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472 posts total
Alex Schroeder

I could not finish this CNN article. If you search for “Sde Teiman” you’ll find other sources.

“Strapped down, blindfolded, held in diapers: Israeli whistleblowers detail abuse of Palestinians in shadowy detention center”

Remember Abu Ghraib.

I could not finish this CNN article. If you search for “Sde Teiman” you’ll find other sources.

“Strapped down, blindfolded, held in diapers: Israeli whistleblowers detail abuse of Palestinians in shadowy detention center”

Alex Schroeder

Is there anybody interested in old #Apple gear? I’d be sending it from Switzerland. I think that all of them need their batteries replaced.
An iPad 1, an iPod classic with an 80GiB disk that you’d probably want to replace with an SSD, too (this is the iPod variant that is a bit harder to open) and an iPod nano.

Alex Schroeder

If you're a US citizen who wants Dems to come out swinging & kick Republicans off their little tin pedestal where they pretend they're the only people who "get real America"?

It's a great time to put your money where your mouth is.

Sarah Taber

NC is a battleground state that Trump has to win to get the White House. #ncpol

And a strong state-level candidate with a NINE-POINT MESSAGE helps Dems here up & down the ballot.

I'm ready to rip out & win this fall, LET'S GOOOOOOO

Paul Chernoff

@sarahtaber I'd like to add that Sara Taber is such a strong candidate that I she will attract more Dems to vote and thus help get votes for other NC Democratic candidates.



Just made a small donation. Is there any volunteer work that people in other states can do to support your campaign?

I'm also curious if you know of candidates in other states who are working on these issues as well.

Alex Schroeder

There are 2 things to know about US agriculture.

1. It’s very hard to make a living as a new farmer.

2. About half our farmland is owned by wealthy families, investment funds, & others who buy it up as an asset- but don’t farm themselves.

There IS a fix to both problems!

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I'm sorry this sounds like nonsense to me

eg, do you have any idea how $ a modern haybaler is ?
or that to be financially sound you need several of htem and a crew of , usually, undocumented min wage workers ???

but good luck to you


@sarahtaber So very true. They're only going to make it worse on the average farmer and on the average person. Plus the climate Nazis want to abolish farming and backyard gardening, both of which contribute to making the world a better place, making food more affordable, reducing CO2, as well as keeping people healthier.

Alex Schroeder

“Free speech advocate. Proudly white.” Having this in your bio helps a lot, thanks! Instablock. 🚫

Alex Schroeder

If a hypothetical racist were to ask me why I'm angry about people being proudly white since I am white as well, I'd remember that conversation I once had with my dad where he explained to me that my mother (last name Li) had to prove that she was white enough to count as white when we moved in South-West Africa for a year back when it was a protectorate of South Africa, under apartheid, before it freed itself from both these shackles and turned into Namibia.

Fuck all the racists.

Alex Schroeder

I recently wrote about how Mastodon is DDoSing me every time I post a link to this site. I've managed to fix the problem...I think.

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@kev Congrats! Thanks for sharing the solution and the process.

shom 🐧📷🤿🏔️🪚

@kev nice write up, thanks for sharing the journey. Does this effectively mean that your site is a static site except there dashboard/control panel portions? Or just that each post page is "static" (due to cache) and the main page is still generated on each request (like it will fall over if you shared the top level link)?

Alex Schroeder

Oh no, I installed the Medley Interlisp system on my laptop because I've been following @amoroso for too long! 😅

The first goal is to have a retro-computing environment that can be useful. As far as I can tell, the documentation buttons open links in the browser outside (!) the Medley Interlisp system, i.e. I can read the documentation on my default browser.

The second goal is to have a Lisp machine where everything is Lisp. I mean, I guess I usually treat Emacs as a Lisp machine.

I feel a bit of that Plan 9 energy, but from a different planet.

Oh no, I installed the Medley Interlisp system on my laptop because I've been following @amoroso for too long! 😅

The first goal is to have a retro-computing environment that can be useful. As far as I can tell, the documentation buttons open links in the browser outside (!) the Medley Interlisp system, i.e. I can read the documentation on my default browser.

Alex Schroeder

@amoroso just linked to a paper describing the NoteCards application and when I started reading it, this jumped out to me: “NoteCards is currently being used by more than 50 people engaged in idea processing tasks ranging from writing research papers through designing parts for photocopiers.”

More than 50 people! Those were indeed very different times.

Alex Schroeder

The Weak Turing test: subjects sitting at screens, chatting with real people or chat bots; the goal for the subject is to answer a particular question like “who was the first man on the moon?” If the subject believes the answer it receives, no matter whether it is true or false, the chat bot passes the test.

This is where we are.

Alex Schroeder

This is just super crazy!

Recently their books have been retracted by Springer for falsified papers & using them for writing the books.

Alex Schroeder

How did YouTube acquire the culture of having the faces of overexcited young white men with bulging eyes and big teeth on their video poster images?

Alex Schroeder

It's now available the paper of the Medley talk Andrew Sengul gave at the European Lisp Symposium 2024. It outlines the history of Interlisp, introduces the Medley revival project, and presents the main features and facilities of the environment.

The Medley Interlisp Revival

#interlisp #els #retrocomputing


@amoroso #lisp #interlisp #commonlisp
Thanks for the pointer! That's a very well written paper giving an excellent overview of the Interlisp revival project.

Alex Schroeder

3°C is a political choice. Future generations will think very poorly of us.

Jeffrey Rogers

@davidho There are plenty here right now who think very poorly of us. Future generations will be no more evolved than we are, and subject to the same manipulation that has made the majority apathetic or unbelieving - except in future generations they will likely be fed the lie that it was people’s fault rather than capitalism. The winner gets to write the history.

Alex Schroeder

June 2023 was the warmest June on record.
July 2023 was the warmest July on record.
August 2023 was the warmest August on record.
Sept 2023 was the warmest September on record.
Oct 2023 was the warmest October on record.
November 2023 was the warmest November on record.
December 2023 was the warmest December on record.
January 2024 was the warmest January on record.
February 2024 was the warmest February on record.
March 2024 was the warmest March on record.
And now,

Alex Schroeder

Creating, yet not possessing.
Working, yet not taking credit.
Work is done, then forgotten.
Therefore it lasts forever.

- Laozi, 6th century BCE, talking about open source

Alex Schroeder

Like, heck, how am I *supposed* to rely on my code getting preserved after I lose interest, I die, BitBucket deletes every bit of Mercurial-hosted content it ever hosted, etc? Am I supposed to rely on *Microsoft* to responsibly preserve my work? Holy crud no.

We *want* people to want their code widely mirrored and distributed. That was the reason for the licenses. That was the social contract. But if machine learning means the social contract is dead, why would people want their code mirrored?

Graham Sutherland / Polynomial

@mcc I have generally come to the conclusion that this is an intended effect. All the things you feel compelled to do for the good of others, in an ordinarily altruistic sense, are essentially made impossible unless you accept that your works and your expressions will be repackaged, sold, and absorbed into commercialised datasets.

The SoaD line "manufacturing consent is the name of the game" has been in my head a lot lately.


@mcc have we considered starting a secret society with arcane rites devoted to preserving and protecting open source code


@mcc there would only be a cost to you as an open source author if LLM code generation worked, though

Alex Schroeder

"99 channels and nothing on!" – Bruce Springsteen singing about Cable TV or Alex Schroeder complaining about IRC!?

Alex Schroeder

Periodic reminder that I'll advertise your weird hobby website to my Improbable Island players for free, no catch,

Why? Because google doesn't like it when people give away what they're trying to sell, and fuck those guys lol

Alex Schroeder

Some German nouns are used completely out of context:

Bock = goat
Ich habe keinen Bock (I have no goat) = I don't want to

Wurst = sausage
Das ist mir Wurst (That's sausage to me) = I don't care

Besen = broom
Ich fress einen Besen (I eat a broom) = I don't believe this

Keks = cookie
Du gehst mir auf den Keks (You go on my cookie) = You're annoying me

Bahnhof = train station
Ich verstehe nur Bahnhof (I understand only train station) = I don't understand anything


Enjoy our language!

Some German nouns are used completely out of context:

Bock = goat
Ich habe keinen Bock (I have no goat) = I don't want to

Wurst = sausage
Das ist mir Wurst (That's sausage to me) = I don't care

Besen = broom
Ich fress einen Besen (I eat a broom) = I don't believe this

Keks = cookie
Du gehst mir auf den Keks (You go on my cookie) = You're annoying me

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@jensclasen I would presume that "Ich fress nen Besen" is just short for "Wenn das stimmt fress ich nen Besen" ("If that's correct, I'll eat a broom"), which does make a whole lot more Sense.

Sasha 'squirrel' Göbbels

@jensclasen TIL: "Bock haben" actually comes from a Romani phrase (the language of Sinti & Roma people).

Kevin Karhan

@jwildeboer that's why it's being done.

Also there's neither penalty nor deterrence to doing so...


@jwildeboer Ads and advertising are (unfortunately) too much of a wedge.

I see it with creative folks who argue that they need to eat. And they're not wrong but it's incredibly nuanced in social spaces.

There's a big risk of losing a sense of any space where you just connect with other people when everything is just reaching into your wallet.

Mutual aid and people sharing their work (which deserves compensation) is different but all money looks the same to people seeking to maximize profit.

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