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Jan Wildeboer 😷:krulorange:

And that infighting is already visible in the comments. Divide and conquer always works and costs close to nothing. Unfortunately.

Kevin Karhan

@jwildeboer that's why it's being done.

Also there's neither penalty nor deterrence to doing so...


@jwildeboer Ads and advertising are (unfortunately) too much of a wedge.

I see it with creative folks who argue that they need to eat. And they're not wrong but it's incredibly nuanced in social spaces.

There's a big risk of losing a sense of any space where you just connect with other people when everything is just reaching into your wallet.

Mutual aid and people sharing their work (which deserves compensation) is different but all money looks the same to people seeking to maximize profit.

game bug pocket

@clarablackink @jwildeboer #fedipact does not prevent people from maintaining a presence on fb/threads, which still dwarfs the entire fediverse in size. that fact is simultaneously why defederation is imperative, and why it should be no real loss


@bug @jwildeboer You're right and I think there are plenty of people who grasp this.

It's just that there's a marketing mindset that sees any empty wall as ad space and it requires a certain amount of community awareness and vigilance to say, "this isn't ad space", especially when someone can begin to throw large enough quantities of cash at it.

I think sometimes well meaning people get caught up in that marketing mindset without grasping what gets lost.


@bug @jwildeboer To say nothing of bad faith actors like Facebook. I was on Instagram before they acquired it, I hate that they're doing this again over here.

game bug pocket

@clarablackink @jwildeboer all it takes is recognizing that the wall is not actually empty, it's already inhabited by cultures (insert a fungus or moss analogy here)

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