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Alex Schroeder

I don't mind the blog post on the Creative Commons site regarding AI and Fair Use. For one, Fair Use is a very USA thing. Furthermore, the CC licenses don't say "this material is fine for AI training" – so whether this is fine or not will be decided by the courts. I would only worry if CC turns out to be working on a version 5 of their licenses with an explicit exception for AI training. And even then, you can keep on using version 4 of the license. There is no automatic upgrade option.

This is why I feel fine. Yeah, well, that's just, like, their opinion…

They don't seem to be changing the license. The courts still get to decide. If the courts decide in favour of free-for-all AI training, then rich people win for the moment. And even then, we can still nationalise them. Or prohibit AI training. Or raise prices on electricity and water. The fight isn't over, not by a long shot.


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