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@mcc have we considered starting a secret society with arcane rites devoted to preserving and protecting open source code

Mark T. Tomczak

@emaytch @mcc So there's a lot of stuff that Paul Graham says that I don't agree with (these days; used to be pretty bought in), but I think the point he made about the nature of copyright and patent protection ages ago rings true.

Paraphrasing without citation because I'm not going to go crawling around to find it right now: the alternative to IP protection isn't a magical utopia of shared ideas... It's guilds and secret knowledge protected with violence. We already tried society without intellectual property protection.

@emaytch @mcc So there's a lot of stuff that Paul Graham says that I don't agree with (these days; used to be pretty bought in), but I think the point he made about the nature of copyright and patent protection ages ago rings true.

Paraphrasing without citation because I'm not going to go crawling around to find it right now: the alternative to IP protection isn't a magical utopia of shared ideas... It's guilds and secret knowledge protected with violence. We already tried society without intellectual...

✧✦✶✷Catherine✷✶✦✧ replied to Mark T. Tomczak

@mark @emaytch @mcc if this was true I could get documentation for any of the ASICs Broadcom sells and I can't

Peter Linss

@emaytch @mcc where each member chooses a repo to memorize. At the secret meetings in the woods we take turns reciting them back to each other…


@emaytch @mcc Ossiris

Just 'cos it sounds fun & it's got OSS in it

Sorry it's a bit late here & brain isn't up to working out a proper acronym

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