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475 posts total
Alex Schroeder

The problem with summer around here is that now I wake up at 6am as the day dawns but I still go to bed at midnight. That’s not good.

Alex Schroeder

🚨 noyb has filed a complaint against the ChatGPT creator OpenAI

OpenAI openly admits that it is unable to correct false information about people on ChatGPT. The company cannot even say where the data comes from.

Read all about it here 👇

Valentino Spataro

@noybeu uhm. Personal data out from a dice throwing ?



The problem is not AI, the problem is the corporations behind it.

They're pushing an underdeveloped software to act as a trustfull news source, because 1) it's making money and 2) billions of people are training their software for free,which means saving even more money and 3) with the upcoming european elections these errors are a great tool for lobbying.

Alex Schroeder

holy shit. they actually called it "reply guy". seeing the Torment Nexus and copying it for profit is one thing, but seeing a reply guy and being like "I can monetize that" is a whole new type of evil.

Alex Schroeder

I love our solitary bees. In the late morning hours when it’s still cold they sit at the opening of their tubes, looking out, warming up, trying to find the inner strength to get up and start doing things and I can relate so much.

Alex Schroeder

Never in the history of ever has the phrase "quell student protests" indicated a growing societal reverence for democracy and civil rights.

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Kit Malone

Gonna mute this thread now because it's going places and that means it'll inevitably become a cesspool. I don't really feel like participating.

Von Xylofon

@thekitmalone Never in the history of ever did the people uttering the phrase care for any of those things, or, for the most part, pretended to.

@thekitmalone nor has "arrest gatherings of Jews" (looking at you, Germany)
Alex Schroeder

I'm proud to announce the launch of the public beta for Clew, my independent web search engine! 🎉🎉🎉

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Clew maintains an independent index and is aiming to be a copyleft (APGLv3), self-hostable, privacy-respecting, customizable search engine which prioritizes independent creators/bloggers/writers and penalizes sites with ads and trackers.

Many features are yet to come. If you'd like to support Clew's development and server costs, you can donate to its Liberapay team:

Boosts are very welcome, as is feedback of any kind!

I'm proud to announce the launch of the public beta for Clew, my independent web search engine! 🎉🎉🎉

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Clew maintains an independent index and is aiming to be a copyleft (APGLv3), self-hostable, privacy-respecting, customizable search engine which prioritizes independent creators/bloggers/writers and penalizes sites with ads and trackers.

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Codrus :archlinux: 🇺🇲

@amin @amin Adding it to my KDE desktop search plugin now! Thanks for making it OpenSearch-compatible!

I look forward to many future rabbit-holes and time-sinks...


@amin congratulations 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳

Synth Morxemplum

@amin Good shit. We need more competition in the web search space so we can dissolve the effectiveness of SEO. Can’t wait to see more!

Alex Schroeder

It’s amazing how humans can walk around with a broken mid-foot bone. My wife is a space orc and we’re on the way to see a specialist since this happened on April 11 and the bone has shifted and is probably mending in the wrong position. 🤮

Alex Schroeder

It truly is amazing. Both the conservative treatment boss doctor and the surgeon boss doctor looked at it all and decided that there is nothing left to do. A carbon sole into the foot and that’s. It’s already mending, it’s already much better, just no long walks and no stairs, good to go. New x-ray in two weeks just to make sure. The human body is amazing.

Alex Schroeder

i think we should put more politics into more things. i'm a politics maximalist.

Alex Schroeder

Lots and lots of amazing photos of moths by Nicky Bay!

"At Borneo Jungle Girl Camp, I stayed for 4 nights with a group of friends and returned with almost 7000 photos, recording almost 600 species of moths and lots of other insects and arachnids."

#NickyBay #Moths #Images #Borneo #Entomology

Alex Schroeder


From the article:

"The somber truth is that the vast bulk of nature’s staggering abundance has already disappeared. We live in a world characterized primarily by the relative silence and emptiness of its natural spaces. It’s only when we read accounts of wildlife from centuries ago that we realize how much is gone. One eighteenth-century writer, standing on the shores of Wales, described schools of herrings five or six miles long, so dense that “the whole water seems alive; and it is seen so black with them to a great distance, that the number seems inexhaustible.” In the seventeenth-century Caribbean, sailors could navigate at night by the noise of massive shoals of sea turtles heading to nesting beaches on the Cayman Islands. In the Chesapeake Bay, plagued today by polluted dead zones, hunters harvested a hundred thousand terrapins a year for turtle soup. In the nineteenth century, passenger pigeons would blot out the sun when they appeared in massive flocks throughout the eastern United States. The last one died in a zoo in 1914.

The Great Dying
In normal times, extinction is a natural part of evolution: new species evolve from prior existing species, meaning that, rather than dying out, “extinct” species are really the progenitors of new ones. When extinctions occur, however, as part of a mass extinction, they represent a grave and permanent loss to the richness of life. Species exterminated by human development are wiped out from nature’s palette, terminating any possibility of further evolutionary branching. The average lifespan of a species is roughly a million years—the unfolding story of each one is, in E. O. Wilson’s words, a unique epic. We’ve seen how life’s prodigious diversity on Earth can be understood as nature’s own evolved intelligence, earned over billions of years. Through extinction, we are dumbing down nature, eliminating the plenitude it has so painstakingly accumulated."


From the article:

"The somber truth is that the vast bulk of nature’s staggering abundance has already disappeared. We live in a world characterized primarily by the relative silence and emptiness of its natural spaces. It’s only when we read accounts of wildlife from centuries ago that we realize how much is gone. One eighteenth-century writer, standing on the shores of Wales, described schools of herrings five or six miles long, so dense that “the whole water seems alive; and...

Alex Schroeder

mpd & mpc & ncmpc on
#openbsd #freebsd

It's like a music streaming service, but offline, on your own computer with your own files.


Alex Schroeder

A way forward is not just a matter of replacing fossil fuels with renewables.

An effective climate action would mean a great cultural upheaval, breaking of many taboos, dismantling everyday practices and abandoning old habits.

In other words, a culture capable of solving the climate crisis would likely be unrecognizable and alien to our prevailing modern sensibilities.


Alex Schroeder

Okay, blown away. Greg and I just watched a movie on Netflix called Falling for Figaro. It's a romantic comedy and the two main characters don't have a lot of chemistry, but the opera singing is truly beautiful (we actually watched a couple scenes over). The thing that blew me away - actually distracted me so much I even missed a few lines - was that the main character, Millie, is fat, and the portrayal of her is just wildly positive, I can't get over it.

Will discuss behind CW --->

Happy Holliedays

We got done with the movie and I'm shrieking about all this and Greg is just laughing.

She's apple-shaped! LIKE ME! Usually fat women are only deemed okay if their figure it hourglass shaped. Millie, like myself, is shaped like what I call, "a friendly potato," which I said once when Jupes was commenting on how they inherited their shape from me and they loved it so much we kept it.

She's pursued by TWO GUYS! TWO! TWO! Both of them attractive, both of them nice people..... <cont --->

Alex Schroeder

The unique Trichtingen torc consists of an iron core with a silver mantel. It’s too large and too heavy for human use (6.7kg), it was rather worn by a wooden cult image.
Dating 2nd/1st c. BC.

Photos: Landesmuseum Württemberg


Alex Schroeder

@ninawillburger Der Blick, den die beiden sich zuwerfen, ist ja fantastisch. Und die Fotos haben das super eingefangen. Gefällt mir sehr.

Alex Schroeder

> We move from data to information to knowledge to wisdom. And separating one from the other, being able to distinguish among and between them, that is, knowing the limitations and the danger of exercising one without the others, while respecting each category of intelligence, is generally what serious education is about.
#TonyMorrison #TheMarginalian
/HT @mariapopova

> We move from data to information to knowledge to wisdom. And separating one from the other, being able to distinguish among and between them, that is, knowing the limitations and the danger of exercising one without the others, while respecting each category of intelligence, is generally what serious education is about.


> ... it’s seductive, to assume that data is really knowledge. Or that information is, indeed, wisdom. Or that knowledge can exist without data. And how easy, and how effortlessly, one can parade and disguise itself as another. And how quickly we can forget that wisdom without knowledge, wisdom without any data, is just a hunch...
#ToniMorrison on

Alex Schroeder

@alex I'll have to see the gallery with a real PC, it's not working on my phone setup. But your description and the one photo I saw reminded me of the Myanamar band that put bounce in my step for a while. I think a Japanese caption to introduced one of their videos was "Budddha is Punk." The video made me want to go be waterboy for the defiant girl singer, the way you feel reading about the Kurdish women militias, or when Arundhati Roy is threatened.
_One Day_

@alex I'll have to see the gallery with a real PC, it's not working on my phone setup. But your description and the one photo I saw reminded me of the Myanamar band that put bounce in my step for a while. I think a Japanese caption to introduced one of their videos was "Budddha is Punk." The video made me want to go be waterboy for the defiant girl singer, the way you feel reading about the Kurdish women militias, or when Arundhati Roy is threatened.
_One Day_

Alex Schroeder

Anyways, that paper is interesting but it's not what I was looking for.

I was looking for this, because someone said bikes are "outdated" and it pissed me off.

Bikes are not outdated - what they are is undefeated.

No other machine, or animal, can go as far on so little as someone on a bike.


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