My Gomphotherium script is running and operation Memory Loss is on target. I'm now down to about 4000 posts from the 5250 or so I started out with.

Gomphotherium is a script that you run from a cron job. It deletes 10 posts or boosts that are at least 8 weeks old and not pinned. That's 240 toots per day, 1680 toots per week. The deletion rate limits on fedi are pretty tough, so this slow drip of digital laudanum is the only solution that will work unless you use Mastodon (which has automatic post deletion built-in) or or Mastodon Archive (a program that archives your messages and optionally deletes them afterwards).

Gomphotherium supports all servers supporting the Mastodon Client API. If you're using an instance that supports apps, it will work.

Perhaps this is the moment where I should consider packaging it for Pypi. I'd be happy to accept merge requests that do this. Publish your fork on a public git repo and I'll pull it from there!