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nixCraft 🐧

Everyone should immediately stop contributing to the stack overflow and its network. The human touch is what made it unique. Delete your profile from SO AND all your answers. Freeloaders are making money out of human contributions.


@nixCraft WTF, there's no end to this shit... 😐


So sad to see them selling the collective soul


@nixCraft to be completely fair, I would be incredibly surprised (and I am trying to be charitable due to lack of concrete evidence) if OpenAI hasn't scanned every single SO question and answer ever made already. This was probably made so they would have ChatGPT answers on popular questions and stuff like that, which of course is still bad


@dbread @karrbs @nixCraft I think what you meant to say is that they are actively endorsing OpenAIs involvement 😅, which I guess sure might mean that SO won't go after them, though I don't know if SO has the rights to pursue people on behalf of their users


@chickfilla @nixCraft 100% this. I get that it's disappointing to see web services sell themselves, but it's absolutely ridiculous to think that OpenAI haven't already crawled every single openly accessible web forum, blog or other source of free information.


@chickfilla @nixCraft

That's not the point. Going forward stack overflow will be polluted with a bunch of AI "hallucinated" garbage, where hallucinated means "made shit up in order to produce a plausible answer".


@artemesia @nixCraft well, yes, that's what I meant with my last sentence. The point I was trying to make is that the data collection aspect of this would happen regardless, and if you want to be more cynical about this, there's nothing stopping SO from keeping your data after you delete your account. Though if your answers become unavailable on the site after doing so, that would be a reason why since it would hurt the site (aside from the obvious reason of not wanting to be associated with SO ofc)

cognitively accessible math

@chickfilla @nixCraft I know, right? talk about obvious. Does it filter out the toxic snrk ;)

nixCraft 🐧

OpenAI, Mircosoft, and Google together kill the open web. Thousands of independent blogs and forums are now nowhere in search engines or pushed back to page two to support their AI and partnerships with Reddit, StackOverflow, and more. Many humans contributed to these sites hoping to build a knowledge base for humanity, but now greedy people like Sama and OpenAI are taking over everything.


@nixCraft Is there any way to find these sites? You are correct in that they disappeared but there must be a way to find them. Hopefully 🤞

Paul Sutton

@Pajo_16 @nixCraft

If people find them, perhaps post links here.


@Pajo_16 @nixCraft On page two. On page 5 you can find bad SEO optimizing agencies.

marcus 😷🧂

@Pajo_16 @nixCraft I've heard people saying that they're adding "before:2023" to their searches to filter out a lot of the ai garbage. Will only help as long as the search topic is somewhat timeless, obviously.


@marcusdeh @nixCraft
Folks, thanks for all the suggestions. It's appreciated.

P Stewart

@marcusdeh @Pajo_16 @nixCraft Even that seems shaky these days - I'll try putting date restrictions on searches and regularly get stuff that the results page says is a week old, but actually dates from 2011. (Or vice versa.)

I'm not sure if they're just not respecting search syntax, something's breaking on the search engines' side of things, or if people are figuring out ways to make pages appear to be a different age than they actually are.

Christian Krebel

@Pajo_16 @nixCraft I can recommend the search engine #Kagi. They have a different index, one can put a weight on specific domains and they have a project called small web to randomly find those gems.

funbaker #AssangeIsNotGuilty

@nixCraft so... renting a garage and building a new search engine from second hand pc's?


@funbaker @nixCraft

Doesn't need a search engine. Just afew web pages of sites organised by category.

funbaker #AssangeIsNotGuilty

@dilettante I remember a time where search engines where good and provided you with answers to the most obscure problems which you'd never expect on ShitOverflow. I want that back. @nixCraft

Natasha Nox 🇺🇦🇵🇸

@funbaker @dilettante @nixCraft At this point we should just try anew, throw away the whole browser-based web shit and fork Gopher.

funbaker #AssangeIsNotGuilty

@Natanox HTTP is not that bad, we just need to throw away Javascript.

But ofc every idea is welcome.
@dilettante @nixCraft


@Natanox @funbaker @dilettante @nixCraft Is this the right time for me to be That Person and mention how cool and fun Gemini protocol is?

not matt :tblverified:

@funbaker make sure it’s your parents garage and that the rent is actually just doing chores and getting good grades.

funbaker #AssangeIsNotGuilty

@borlax Oh I'm doing a lot of chores, but I'm way behind living in my parent's house.

Amiya Behera #FBPPR

@nixCraft Just we need to quit the search engine.

Presearch, Brave many more decentralized ones to come in few years.

Amiya Behera #FBPPR

@nixCraft Its about 6 months now, that I have not touched google.


Take a look at #Facebook for 10 minutes and you'll see what a true #AI web looks like. It's a barren wasteland that no one interacts with. Let them have their fun with these sites knowning its just going to be bots talking to AI. #google search is whats dead not the #openweb.


@nixCraft The smaller, human-run web needs to come back via Mastodon, old-school forums and others. Let the big companies have their AI-powered Dead Internet, primarily away from the rest of us.


@nixCraft this is honestly why I’ve lost interest in #tech, #computers and the #internet as a whole. It’s sad, I used to find it all so intriguing to learn and I used to even make videos about it. I really just don’t care anymore, it feels impossible to find anything organic these days.

ShawnT 🐀


Real Talk: if Stack Overflow dies, we'll all be out of our tech jobs. The most common questions can't be answered by reading manpages.

funbaker #AssangeIsNotGuilty

@phaysis Real Talk: People will adapt and start contributing to man pages or build alternatives to ShitOverflow. @nixCraft


@phaysis @nixCraft while I agree this would hurt a lot of developers, I don't think it's a healthy mindset to have. If your job depends on Stack Overflow answers to be done right, then you probably do need to spend more time reading manuals.

Sure most common questions are not directly answered by manuals (and sure many man pages are not very helpful) but that's because they are not meant for that. Ideally you should arrive at your answers by getting a better understanding of the systems you are trying to work with. It usually takes more time, but it also leads to a more rewarding experience that pays up more in the long term.

Not to say there isn't a place for forums, after all there's times where we don't even know where to start looking, but if your job depends on readily available answers to very specific questions scattered through a site, you might be doing it wrong imho.

@phaysis @nixCraft while I agree this would hurt a lot of developers, I don't think it's a healthy mindset to have. If your job depends on Stack Overflow answers to be done right, then you probably do need to spend more time reading manuals.

Sure most common questions are not directly answered by manuals (and sure many man pages are not very helpful) but that's because they are not meant for that. Ideally you should arrive at your answers by getting a better understanding of the systems you are trying...



Lets be real they did it already long time ago.
This is just to make it "legal".
Their answers are still bad

Carlos Solís
@nixCraft Stack Overflow uses a copyleft license for its answers. Under that same logic, Wikipedians should start deleting the pages they contributed on so that AI can't use them as training data... but then again, that's in the scope of what copyleft is supposed to allow in the first place
Lord Matt ✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️

@nixCraft Or, if you are feeling mischievous, get a group of friends together and invent a nonsense programming language and then ask and answer questions about it that sound right but are utter boffo.

Lord Matt ✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️

@nixCraft As we all know #Boffo, has had libraries for intra-operability with most major languages since, 2.14.

Grum999 :grum_rsquare:

@nixCraft When I look about Stackoverflow answers, I'm wondering how an AI will be able to exactly provide the "right" answer.

I often need to read many questions/answers to find a solution/information/help to my specific case... And all answers are not good. Or not bad.

Even if +1 or -1 can give an idea about "quality" of answer, it's not black/white.
Reading all answers, debates, proposed solutions, alternatives, is really the better thing to do:

- you can learn things you don't know on the subject you're looking about or aside/related subjects
- you can have explanation about why to do it like this or why do not to it like this

But AI is now everywhere not because it's useful or powerful or what you want, it's everywhere because if you're not the first to use it for sh*t, someone else will do it.
And then on the marketplace it's probably already too late.

You know, the Cyber AI Father was already here (but already defrocked), so I'm not surprised by any AI stupid implementation and usage...

@nixCraft When I look about Stackoverflow answers, I'm wondering how an AI will be able to exactly provide the "right" answer.

I often need to read many questions/answers to find a solution/information/help to my specific case... And all answers are not good. Or not bad.

Even if +1 or -1 can give an idea about "quality" of answer, it's not black/white.
Reading all answers, debates, proposed solutions, alternatives, is really the better thing to do:


@nixCraft I am done for, deleting all my posts, gl with that SO

Je ne suis pas goth

@clot27 pretty sure your posts will still exist internally to be mined by LLM engines.

Forestcat 🏳️‍⚧️

@nixCraft didn't they forbid the use of any ai generated answers?

Michał Stankiewicz :verified:

@nixCraft How about we take to the streets and start burning down cities? Don't exaggerate, let's not avoid the inevitable. This is the future


@nixCraft I think they've always been allowed to just send off that data for scraping, thanks to permissive licensing and what started out as an unwillingness to do anything about it.

Heck, this comment even mentions the ability for AI companies to turn a profit on it.

Charlie. Probably.

It was only a matter of time, @nixCraft . For the record, I don't think deleting profiles, questions and answers will do anything more than hurt human beings, right now. It's too late. It was already too late before LLM bots became realistically applicable for this grift because the corporations already had the content.

We wrote that content – me too! – freely, willing to aid and help our human peers who suffered from the problems we sought to answer and we did it in the hope for a better www.

Charlie. Probably.

Unfortunately, we have not realised that better www and are instead seeing the growth of the saddest possible web.

But it shan't last. This is a bubble – wait for it to burst.

Rynn Professional Cyberwitch :ms_pentacle: :flag_transgender:

@nixCraft Well we already knew that most of GPT's answers were scraped from stackoverflow, but somehow this makes it even worse.

Lukas Brausch

@nixCraft Wow! Doesn't this mean that the company will now die a slow death once all their databases have been incorporated into #ChatGPT? On the one hand, this seems like a really stupid move, but on the other hand, I reckon that this deal is actually the only real choice they have left, as all their data has probably already been crawled by the best #LLMs before. At least they can gain a bit of money from #OpenAI in the short term before becoming completely obsolete in a few months to years. 😢

Danny Blue

@nixCraft this is also the company that laid off a bunch of folks (including my wife) right before the holidays. So fuckem

Charlie. Probably.

For the record, what actually happens if you delete your account, @nixCraft ? If deleting an account means that the body of questions and answers is also deleted from the public facing StackOverflow (bzw. all Stack Exchange) pages, then this might present a threat to tech entirely!

When last did you meet someone who doesn't rely on Stack pages for reference?

They are often better than official docs. For older stuff, docs might also be long gone. There's a lot of "inside" knowledge, there, too.


@charlie @nixCraft deleting your SO profile doesn't delete your posts. You'd need to delete all your posts manually. Is there any way of doing it automatically before deleting the profile?


@nixCraft If openai can build a better chatgpt based on a reliable source, why not? I don't think there's harm to anybody

Takiro 🎨

Now OpenAI can downvote and mark your question as "possible duplicate" faster than any human could do.

Melroy van den Berg

@nixCraft why stackoverflow?? I thought they forbid generated answers on their website and now they start creating a partnership!?


@nixCraft already done, because of moderation bullies

David - Forking Mad I find most of the content dated, or inaccurate now. That's not going to be useful for AI learning!

Alexander E. Smith


No no no, you're doing it all wrong. What we need to do is come together ***as a community*** and contribute as much as we can to StackOverflow, all all of its partner sites.

Contribute by;

- Posting questions that don't make sense, even grammatically
- Selecting only the most *"correct"* answers. They need to meander, have lots of unverifiable opinions, and contain as many external links as possible.
- Replying with batshit excellent answers that are off topic, offensive, and frequently change topics mid-sentence.
- New words! Really give those models something to learn on by giving them all the greatest new words, like Solutionate, Fixxor, Correctimation, and Incorrectage!
- Downvoting anything with relevant data. We don't need any of that pesky "truth" gumming up the paste for our copy/pasting into production code/servers.

Don't waste all your hard earned rep by deleting your account. Use those dusty old things for a new, exciting LLM project!

Lets all enhancigrade StackOverflow together!


No no no, you're doing it all wrong. What we need to do is come together ***as a community*** and contribute as much as we can to StackOverflow, all all of its partner sites.

Contribute by;

- Posting questions that don't make sense, even grammatically
- Selecting only the most *"correct"* answers. They need to meander, have lots of unverifiable opinions, and contain as many external links as possible.
- Replying with batshit excellent answers that are off topic, offensive, and frequently...

Avoid the Hack! :donor:

@AlexanderESmith Data poisoning is a viable attack vector against AI (as you described). Just saying. :ablobcathyper:

Alexander E. Smith

@avoidthehack It's not poison if it helps heal the patient in the long term. Just look at chemotherapy.

Avoid the Hack! :donor:

@AlexanderESmith I didn't say it wasn't for a good cause - but it is poisoning their LLM model.

Feeding it data like you described in your comment OP will make its output wonky, inaccurate, and hopefully useless. Which is justifiable imo when your LLM/AI model data well is built without any shred of ethics.


@nixCraft the human touch where guys voted you down for the smallest things?!


@nixCraft So excited to get 4 different outdated solutions all stitched together, none of which work to address my current problem.

This is such a shitty idea!!! omg


No part of the corporate web is sacred. We've learned that lesson enough :(


@sb on the bright side, the corporate web is like ten websites

On the not-so-bright side: holy crap most of the internet has been limited to including like ten websites


And that's just the west! Outside of the "rich" nations, like in Myanmar for example, Facebook by itself is widely considered to be "the internet". It's all some people know. Scary? Uhh, yeah.


@sb I wonder how many different websites the average person goes to in the course of a month. Maybe I can dig into my Firefox history database to figure it out...


That would be a cool browser plugin! Analyze your browsing history to determine the percentage of sites on the corpoweb vs indie. It would even suggest replacements for crud like Google or Apple, Facebook etc.

Michael Kohl 🇦🇹🇹🇭

@nixCraft All user contributions to SO are CC-BY-SA licensed:

I wonder how OpenAI will deal with the attribution requirement.


@nixCraft can't wait for every answer on the site to be wrong from now on


@nixCraft I don't understand how this infection is still spreading.


@nixCraft The community was toxic there anyways. I delete my account a long time ago after I was downvoted to oblivion for not investigating if the question(!) was a duplicate. Writing the answer took me less than a minute, searching for a duplicate would have taken way more time.


@nixCraft It didn't take them long to go from "stop using ChatGPT to generate rubbish answers" to "wait how much did you say we can sell you human generated answers for?"


@nixCraft Deleting your profile and stopping contributions is a valid protest, but deleting your answers only exacerbates the problem.

Even if OpenAI doesn’t already have your answers (unlikely), Stack Overflow has backups and public dumps. Meaning that by deleting your answers, the only ones with access to them will the AI tools; humans accessing Stack Overflow won’t. That’s the opposite of the goal.

shom 🐧📷🤿🏔️🪚

@vitor absolutely agree, looks like we were writing identical posts at the same time. Twin??

shom 🐧📷🤿🏔️🪚

@nixCraft as much as this sucks please don't advise people to delete their existing answers. Not contributing new answers and not logging in are a great way to register protest.

These companies already have the data backed up and will use it anyway, deleting answers only hurts humans who are searching for the answers through traditional searches.

I sincerely implore you to edit your call to action and help keep the information "public", deleting it makes it available ONLY for the "AI".


@nixCraft if you cant beat 'em, join 'em

fr though this will fill my search results with weird hallucinated code

big fat kobold butts

@nixCraft is not partnered with AI and is trying to replace Stack Exchange for this reason

Bruno Nicoletti

@nixCraft Oh FFS. Can sites please just stop selling stuff they didn’t create to these grifters.

King Calyo Delphi


It's bad enough that people did this with fucking Reddit and now my search results get peppered with useless links to Reddit threads that used to have pertinent questions and answers but don't anymore!!

Doing this makes it SO MUCH HARDER to search for answers for ANYTHING now!!!! >:(

Kevin Karhan :verified:

@dragonarchitect @nixCraft @gearlicious nodds in agreement

Also since "#AI" can't create copyrightable works it's unable to violate #copyright per very concept.

If #manpages and #documentation were good, we'd not need #StackOverflow butbthat's not the case so here we are...


@kkarhan @dragonarchitect @nixCraft yeah... it's an interesting conundrum. I still remember growing up around the days when it was nothing but ExpertsExchange (or ExpertSexChange depending on how you feel that day xD) littering Google search results with their paywalled answers. Come to think of it, mostly useless search results always have been.

Kevin Karhan :verified:

@gearlicious @dragonarchitect @nixCraft
Personally, I think #paywalling is antithetical to the concept of the #Internet.

If people want to make their shit #unsearchable and flex their #ableism and #classism, there's a tool for that:

It's called "limited edition #book prints"...


@nixCraft I stopped contributing after the Monica scandal. The new owners were happy to make an example of someone for a pre-crime just to promote woke ideals to new investors.

I have published some personal stuff on SubStack which is a more or less trustworthy blogging site, some people with a following gain money in subscriptions.

I also have answered a few questions at CoDidact, a competitor to StackExchange that is more user owned, if everyone registered an account there it would make SE redundant. You can even ask and answer questions there that you had popular answers to and copy your own answers over if you want to help populate. NOt as many substacks but a selection of the more popular ones.

#stackoverflow #substack #codidact

@nixCraft I stopped contributing after the Monica scandal. The new owners were happy to make an example of someone for a pre-crime just to promote woke ideals to new investors.

I have published some personal stuff on SubStack which is a more or less trustworthy blogging site, some people with a following gain money in subscriptions.


@nixCraft I, the complete nerd came to tell you that and still exist.

edit:, not .net



It's like saying stop editing Wikipedia because companies are using it to teach LLMs.

All StackOverflow user content is distributed under CC BY-SA 4.0

Captain Steph :php:

@nixCraft but but but I love my insecure PHP4 answers!


@nixCraft You ask chatGPT how to configure suricata to enable scripting. ChatGPT chews you out, gives you the wrong answer and then closes the question as duplicate because one time in 2008 someone asked how to configure snort to work with bash files. You ask the question again, wording it differently. ChatGPT tells you it's "trivial" if you know how to compile your own kernel modules. Under that, you get the actual information you needed from a chatGPT comment under the main answer telling you the file you're looking for and where to edit it. That answer is still not marked as the right answer despite being the only correct answer given

@nixCraft You ask chatGPT how to configure suricata to enable scripting. ChatGPT chews you out, gives you the wrong answer and then closes the question as duplicate because one time in 2008 someone asked how to configure snort to work with bash files. You ask the question again, wording it differently. ChatGPT tells you it's "trivial" if you know how to compile your own kernel modules. Under that, you get the actual information you needed from a chatGPT comment under the main answer telling you the...

Dave Alvarado

@nixCraft not sure I agree, I think an AI can be a giant jerkface to newbies the same as the humans were doing.


@nixCraft people who claim that deleting answers will "hurt humanity"

People. I don't want to live in your version of humanity :AngeryCat:

Zorro Notorious MEB 😡

@nixCraft Stack Overflow has been utterly useless to me for years. To be blunt, if I can't solve a problem from the vendor's documentation, it is the vendor's problem, not the user's or the community's.


and nobody is worried about the feedback loop that this effectively creates.. future LLMs are going to increasingly get their training data from the garbage the current ones are spewing out and spamming the web with..
lets just hope dumbification isn't too far gone when the bubble bursts

John Timaeus


On the contrary, it's time to start posting more questions and answers on SO.

I need to share all my knowledge of the new powershell cmdlet get-streamEditor, which has an alias of sed and allows graphical editing of video streams.


@nixCraft at this point I'd rather see Terminator 2 AI robot apocalypse than every asshat VC backed startup under the sun coopting all our shit to make cash hand over fist and then resell our own stuff repackaged under "AI" banner back to us for a mandatory subscription. No one's gonna stop using SO, like no one stopped using Github, like no one stopped using Reddit. Grim corporate bullshit future, fuck all this.

Fahri Reza

@nixCraft are they hosted in Microsoft datacenters?


@nixCraft This is how capital and even the world work. Some people just build the platform, and everything else is waiting for most people to build.


@nixCraft now is the time where always having been to lazy to get seriously involved anywhere pays off, in a weird way.

Claudio Zizza 🦜

@nixCraft AI is going to use the preferred answer in Stack Overflow? Be afraid, be very afraid.


@nixCraft To add insult to injury, these are the same guys who initially banned AI-generated answers.

Jean Rubillon

@nixCraft the enshitification as coined by @pluralistic of the web is progressing at an exponential rate now.


When is somebody going to build a federated alternative to those sites?


I started deleting my questions and answers from #StackOverflow but it's not so easy:

> You have already deleted 5 of your own posts today; further deletes are blocked.

Also, I am not allowed to delete accepted answers.

Alastair Cooper So realistically answers will be gone from the public facing site but still available to OpenAI. Where will the SO users end up then?


Too bad. Did not see that coming. But then I never do.

Tobias Frisch

@nixCraft I think stopping contributions to SO is one thing. Building an alternative is another which should be addressed.

So maybe something like that can be done in a federalized or even decentralized way? People searching for the questions could share answers if they were helpful. So the better the answers the easier you could request them. Similar as torrent...

I think the main problem to solve would be making it easily searchable via tags, keywords and similarity calculation.

caranmegil🍵drinker so, SO, with a previous agony inducing responses from humans, is going to get agony and anxiety inducing responses? marvelous!


@nixCraft yes! remove all answers so we cannot found any useful stuff about OSes, apps and hardware from 10years ago...


As we can expect quality to drop steeply from this point, wanted to mention that the kiwix project maintains archives of stack exchange as well as wikipedia meant for self-hosted offline viewing; e.g.

Philip Johansson 🏴‍☠️💜

@nixCraft Looking forward to ChatGPT going "This question has been answered before, locked."

MobileOak :android: :steam:

@nixCraft I stopped contributing when they mishandled Monica's policy questions and fired Monica without following their own policy.

ay :verified: :verified:

@nixCraft 'delete all your answers'? so people rely on LLMs more? the solution isn't that easy


@nixCraft I hope there is a way to back up all of that stuff first though!

Ted Johnson

@nixCraft I have to admit: When I need help with code, I usually go straight to ChatGPT, whereas I used to go to stackoverflow.


@nixCraft So, now you can get an LLM answer, that matches some of the key words in your question, amalgamated from several highly ranked previous answers, but without any of the context or discussions, and a sprinkling of hallucinations?

Who thinks this is an improvement?



What should have been done is :

1. keeping SO as is. Humans' contribution only.

2. Build another entity, called for example "SO AI", from scratch with both human and non human posts and works and interactions, knowing perfectly who is doing what. What's more this could end up developing uncommon and unexpected results.

This was the right way.

Get in touch SO, i'll give you some salutary advices!


@nixCraft I may be the outlier but I never enjoyed #stackoverflow . So many times I tried to upvote an answer, or to submit a correct one, but never seemed to reach their "bar". Last I saw you could download a local copy, I'll probably do that again and try to self host.

Kévin ⏚

@nixCraft so that means ChatGPT will start responding "never mind, I figured it out" to every super specific question about software

Célistine 🏳️‍⚧️

@nixCraft that'd mean a huge loss in programming knowledge, so I personally don't think it's wise to delete all answers even if this is happening

Walter Tross

even if we did, our answers are already #SO's property, aren't they? Deleted answers are available to users with enough privilege (e.g., I see them), and SO can let any AI roam their assets freely, unfortunately. Nor do I think we would have the numbers to make a difference :-(

Alex White-Robinson

@nixCraft I'm excited for all of these nonsense vortices to start answering 'duplicate question, closed' to any query.


@nixCraft I haven't contributed for a long time. I use it because it is a slightl ymore reliable source than some others (for the specific, peculiar things I need).

I have been more circumspect of the last year, and will be even more so.


@nixCraft I don't think I'll particularly miss the "human touch" of stingy individuals powertripping on the karma system.

Arthur Clemens

@nixCraft I received this passive aggressive email in response to my deletion of 5 (the max) posts.

"Because of the amount of disruption these incidents can cause, we have placed your account on hold for 7 days while we reach out to you to avoid any further misunderstandings. Once this matter has been resolved, your reputation score will be restored and your account will resume as normal."

Too bad, my account is already scheduled for deletion, and they'll probably keep my posts either way.

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