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King Calyo Delphi


It's bad enough that people did this with fucking Reddit and now my search results get peppered with useless links to Reddit threads that used to have pertinent questions and answers but don't anymore!!

Doing this makes it SO MUCH HARDER to search for answers for ANYTHING now!!!! >:(

Kevin Karhan :verified:

@dragonarchitect @nixCraft @gearlicious nodds in agreement

Also since "#AI" can't create copyrightable works it's unable to violate #copyright per very concept.

If #manpages and #documentation were good, we'd not need #StackOverflow butbthat's not the case so here we are...


@kkarhan @dragonarchitect @nixCraft yeah... it's an interesting conundrum. I still remember growing up around the days when it was nothing but ExpertsExchange (or ExpertSexChange depending on how you feel that day xD) littering Google search results with their paywalled answers. Come to think of it, mostly useless search results always have been.

Kevin Karhan :verified:

@gearlicious @dragonarchitect @nixCraft
Personally, I think #paywalling is antithetical to the concept of the #Internet.

If people want to make their shit #unsearchable and flex their #ableism and #classism, there's a tool for that:

It's called "limited edition #book prints"...


@kkarhan @dragonarchitect @nixCraft @gearlicious that’s a weird thing then. So OpenAI can “generate” an image stolen from copyrighted material and you think it’s not infringement?
You tech people need to sit down and rethink your lives.

King Calyo Delphi

@csgraves @kkarhan @nixCraft @gearlicious Yeeahhhh... that's definitely not how copyright works. Just because the output of an AI or a photo taken by an animal isn't protected by copyright doesn't necessarily mean that it can't violate copyright, either.

King Calyo Delphi

@kkarhan @csgraves @nixCraft @gearlicious The way you phrased your own post made it sound like AI can't violate copyright because its own output isn't copyrightable.

That's not the case.

Kevin Karhan :verified:

@dragonarchitect @csgraves @nixCraft @gearlicious both is true:

- "#AI" can't violate #copyright.
- #Scraping is not #CopyrightInfringement!
- Machine-generated output is not #copyrightable because it doesn't have a human author...
- If we deem #learning as copyright #infringement then we'd all be perpetual #DebtPeons to the #Contentmafia!

I do however condemn the #WastefulComputing for wannabe-"AI" that doesn't add anything meaningful to society and the world in general: Just like #NFTs and #Cryptocurrency-#Shitcoins!

@dragonarchitect @csgraves @nixCraft @gearlicious both is true:

- "#AI" can't violate #copyright.
- #Scraping is not #CopyrightInfringement!
- Machine-generated output is not #copyrightable because it doesn't have a human author...
- If we deem #learning as copyright #infringement then we'd all be perpetual #DebtPeons to the #Contentmafia!


@kkarhan @dragonarchitect @csgraves @nixCraft @gearlicious

indeed, AI is just a tool.
AI can't do copyright infringement but people can.
the natural conclusion is that you should go after the people who are using the tools for wrong and not wasting your time going after the tool.

if a group of people were committing murder with hammers, you'd go after the group of people and not hammers in general (at least I'd hope so).

Kevin Karhan :verified:

@loganer @dragonarchitect @csgraves @nixCraft @gearlicious PRECISELY!

The person using it is at fault, that's why people face jailtime, not weapons!


What is sold as "#AI" isn't a sentient being but rather a stupid program.


Said program cannot be made liable nor has it any intention.


Like a car it won't be able to distinguish whether or not it"s running over an armed robber in self defense, a child on it's way to school because the driver is texting hits the curb because the driver has a heart attack...

@loganer @dragonarchitect @csgraves @nixCraft @gearlicious PRECISELY!

The person using it is at fault, that's why people face jailtime, not weapons!


What is sold as "#AI" isn't a sentient being but rather a stupid program.


Said program cannot be made liable nor has it any intention.


@kkarhan @dragonarchitect @csgraves @nixCraft @gearlicious and if you think of it, llm isn't all that different from cryptography in how it functions.

the only major different really being that we've adjusted the parameters to produce a somewhat useable output instead of complete pseudorandomness.

different end goals but fundementally the same principles applied.

Kevin Karhan :verified:

@csgraves @dragonarchitect @nixCraft @gearlicious no, you need to go to law school and actually check the #facts:

No #Copyright-able works can be generated without #Authorship and a machine isn't a natural #person, thus can't be an #author.

Also if we think all #learning is #CopyrightInfringement, then we all are #DebtPeons to the #Copyrightmafia starting the moment we read or consume any media, including #Schoolbooks!

Not that I'd call it "#AI" for what is essentially a #shitposting #Chatbot nor that I defend the #WastefulComputing done for that #BuzzwordDrivenDevelopment...

Cuz that's a #NuancedOpinion...

@csgraves @dragonarchitect @nixCraft @gearlicious no, you need to go to law school and actually check the #facts:

No #Copyright-able works can be generated without #Authorship and a machine isn't a natural #person, thus can't be an #author.

Also if we think all #learning is #CopyrightInfringement, then we all are #DebtPeons to the #Copyrightmafia starting the moment we read or consume any media, including #Schoolbooks!

Tobias Frisch

@dragonarchitect @nixCraft @gearlicious That's the idea, isn't it. The knowledge was provided as free and now it gets commercialized as if it wasn't free. So the terms get enforced by users.

It shouldn't matter in the end whether the answers get deleted as long as there will be another way controlled by its users to share and find the answers again.


@thejackimonster @dragonarchitect @nixCraft @gearlicious Oh yes please let's ruin the future generation by making it harder for them to do simple troubleshooting

Tobias Frisch

@bobby @dragonarchitect @nixCraft @gearlicious How is future generation required to pay for troubleshooting better than using a different tool or platform?


@thejackimonster @dragonarchitect @nixCraft @gearlicious Oh nuuu the site is free to use. I did not know free does not mean free anymore


@thejackimonster @dragonarchitect @nixCraft @gearlicious All it takes is an Internet connection and a few brain cells to type or or even though I guess it costs to go to those sites


@thejackimonster @dragonarchitect @nixCraft @gearlicious Also destroying vital information just because you don't like a change and if It could have helped others by staying up is dick move and I think people that do that should go to hell

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