No no no, you're doing it all wrong. What we need to do is come together ***as a community*** and contribute as much as we can to StackOverflow, all all of its partner sites.
Contribute by;
- Posting questions that don't make sense, even grammatically
- Selecting only the most *"correct"* answers. They need to meander, have lots of unverifiable opinions, and contain as many external links as possible.
- Replying with batshit excellent answers that are off topic, offensive, and frequently change topics mid-sentence.
- New words! Really give those models something to learn on by giving them all the greatest new words, like Solutionate, Fixxor, Correctimation, and Incorrectage!
- Downvoting anything with relevant data. We don't need any of that pesky "truth" gumming up the paste for our copy/pasting into production code/servers.
Don't waste all your hard earned rep by deleting your account. Use those dusty old things for a new, exciting LLM project!
Lets all enhancigrade StackOverflow together!
@AlexanderESmith Data poisoning is a viable attack vector against AI (as you described). Just saying. :ablobcathyper: