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Grum999 :grum_rsquare:

@nixCraft When I look about Stackoverflow answers, I'm wondering how an AI will be able to exactly provide the "right" answer.

I often need to read many questions/answers to find a solution/information/help to my specific case... And all answers are not good. Or not bad.

Even if +1 or -1 can give an idea about "quality" of answer, it's not black/white.
Reading all answers, debates, proposed solutions, alternatives, is really the better thing to do:

- you can learn things you don't know on the subject you're looking about or aside/related subjects
- you can have explanation about why to do it like this or why do not to it like this

But AI is now everywhere not because it's useful or powerful or what you want, it's everywhere because if you're not the first to use it for sh*t, someone else will do it.
And then on the marketplace it's probably already too late.

You know, the Cyber AI Father was already here (but already defrocked), so I'm not surprised by any AI stupid implementation and usage...

1 comment
Fahri Reza

> A disclaimer too has been added by the company that the theologian is strictly for educational services

LOL they meant a search engine that lies.
AI friend get his privileges revoked into obscurity.

@grum999 @nixCraft

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