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483 posts total

I didn’t know you could easy cut object from pictures in iOS! :blobcatmegumin:


I guess 'we did it' and Elon sees the danger of #Mastodon to his new #Twitter :flan_laugh:

Only a scared man would act so childish and ban links to other socials haha!

Sorry but I cannot take the platform or it's staff serious anymore :blobcatgiggle: Twitter has failed drastically with Elon at the steering wheel :blobcat_thisisfine:

#Mastodon #Fediverse


Do you know the difference between a Million and a Billion? 1 million seconds is 12 days. 1 billion seconds is 31 years.


State and church should be separated, always, ever..


How much public space we've surrendered to cars (Swedish artist Karl Jilg)

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@stux @notjustbikes What a simple yet striking edit to reality that drives home the reality of car centric cities.

Jeremy Ranting
@stux Great image, it really gives some perspective.

In reality there is even more space we ‘ve surrendered to cars: What about the cars parking on the side walk? 😑


What's it with people reporting every single person they dont like.. :amaze:

Please, stop with that.

This is not #Twitter. Please use features like mute or block if you don't like people but stop reporting otherwise I'll start banning people who keep reporting for nothing :blobhammer:

I'm trying to keep things running with so many new people and it's such a waste of time to hear whatever you don't like

Otherwise go waste Elon's time, not mine

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@stux I mean, everyone going to try and bend this to fit them by any means.



Honestly, misuse of reporting feature (and generally misuse of power) should be explained in the rules for as long as it's needed.

We mastodon folks should be able to absorb mindful people who can deal with their own emotions and with folks they don't like.

Who do things themselves (mute, block), before supercharging authority (report) unless it clearly breaks local rules.

Also, people are free to set their own rules on mastodon, within their own instance, so go create it.


Honestly, misuse of reporting feature (and generally misuse of power) should be explained in the rules for as long as it's needed.

We mastodon folks should be able to absorb mindful people who can deal with their own emotions and with folks they don't like.

Who do things themselves (mute, block), before supercharging authority (report) unless it clearly breaks local rules.


Wow, a lot of new people joining! :mastodon:

Welcome all you amazing new faces :blobcathearts:

I don't wanna be 'that guy' but please be sure to checkout some basic community rules and such!

It has some cool info, I promise :cat_hug_triangle:

Also we don't serve ads! If you can please think about supporting❤️


Wow, a lot of new people joining! :mastodon:

Welcome all you amazing new faces :blobcathearts:

I don't wanna be 'that guy' but please be sure to checkout some basic community rules and such!

It has some cool info, I promise :cat_hug_triangle:

Also we don't serve ads! If you can please think about supporting❤️

Kai / Carlos / Luna

@stux With Twitter almost gone, a lot of people are joining?


Thanks to Harvard University, you can now virtually enter the Great Pyramid of #Giza in 3D and 360º


Mental health issues are raising exponentially with young people.. Mastodon has build-in all kinds of features like blocking, muting filters etc and ‘non-features’ like constantly showing numbers everywhere on timelines, profiles etc.

Please know that #Mastodon is a safe place to talk about mental health. Talking about it can really help, we do not judge we only want to help♥️

If we can contribute even the slightest in battling this issue I say we should! Together! :blobcathug: :fediverse:


Personally I have experienced a situation in where someone give certain signals about self harm and even worse here on Mastodon a while ago.

I dropped everything and started talking♥️ Ofc offer professional help first(with phone number or anything) but try to talk!

I’m not a psychologist, not by by a long shot but I am human🥰

Please, if you see something like this happening take the time and talk with the person! You never know what difference it can make!

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JokerCoco :verified:

@stux this gif makes me think the earth is round! and the elephants are circling it :ablobdundundun:


@stux the look & toot at the end tho 😂


Twitter account deactivated & app deleted :blobfoxcomputer: A done chapter. :birdsite:

Gaby Goldstein

@stux WOW am I here for this! Thank you! (And also, thank you for all you do -- I paypal'd you some $$ the other day in gratitude :) )


Platforms like #Twitter, #Facebook, #LinkedIn etc are all business that NEED to grow since we, the user are the products.

Revenue should not be a goal of a social platform, there are enough websites out there already who squeeze you for every penny in some form.

The internet wasn't created for profit alone but it seems many have forgotten..

Let's bring that back! :fediverse:

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