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441 posts total

Mastodon isn't run by billionaires like Elon Musk who have a tend to 'ruin' something because they are bored :blobcatgiggle:

Fediverse server admins are like you, people from society who care about each other and not about the numbers on our bank accounts

I get around on my bike and that works puuurfect for me! No private jet needed ✅ (not even a car, lucky me!)

Everyone can setup their own amazing community and join the Fediverse for free, forever.

How nice is that :blobhappy:

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Matt Barcomb

@stux pretty nice. Would be nicer if there was a pushbutton/turnkey service to do this! (Maybe I just haven't found it yet?)


@stux Hey STUX, nice to meet you. I saw some of your toots & really appreciate them. This place feels very civil. Thanks a lot for many of your tips for new #TwitterMigrants like myself🙌


I know is currently a little slow and I am working on the issue! ⚠️

Simply upscaling is not possible since I'm at the max limit for CPU's under my account. The request for more is already in progress!

Currently I'm looking where I can decrease CPU's so more are available for the upscale.

I have a feeling this is gonna be tomorrow since they don't work atm at Hetzner

Лафиэль Элентари

You can slightly optimize nginx web server:
- Enable kernel TLS -
- Enable QUIC protocol -
- Enable brotli compression on Nginx
- Update latest nginx configuration from mastodon repository


Woahh! We got the 'end bill' for energy for the past year and it's mild! :amaze:

Only have to pay €62 extra! yaaay! I expected a few thousand to be honest. Turns out we're doing quite good with saving gas.

Monthly we now pay €650+ for gas and electric per month though but at least no mega end bill


Both and are having issues at the moment ⚠️

Please give Eugen some time to fix this! It's currently very busy on the servers to welcome all new faces ❤️


If you're looking for an awesome alternative for #Instagram be sure to checkout #Pixelfed!

This is like Mastodon, also self-hosted and does 'federate' with the #Fediverse.

You can join our on or

and follow from Mastodon on and @George & @Washy :meow:

If you want to setup your own checkout :pixelfed:

Eric Goebelbecker

@stux Does federating with the #Fediverse mean it can share profile information?

It is easier to share photos or videos from #Pixelfed to Mastodon?


Ruth made a wonderful blog post on how to use #Mastodon in a short TL;DR version!

Shelby Kinney-Lang

@stux the amazing first-name-only vibes of "Ruth" 🤩 the #TwitterMigration is making me remember that being online doesn't have to feel so bad all the time


I guess Elon has something to do with this :twitter: :blobcatgiggle: :mastodon:


I remember a time where we had over 1.2 million interactions within a month :blobcatgiggle:

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@stux i didn't.
stop throwing shits into oceans. ><

Alex@rtnVFRmedia Suffolk UK

@stux but if I throw the bottle in the sea here, its only sooner or later going to end up on your coast, and at least one of the the drunken opa's on the pirate stations are going to play Rick Astley at 04:00 anyway as a matter of routine, so it makes 0 differnce 😁


@stux Or - Use a grabify link so you can see where it ends up


CNN is showing screenshots of Trump's (ruined) 'social' platform TruthSocialShit on TV 🤔

And since he stole #Mastodon.... technically, Mastodon was on TV right? :troll:


:nkoWave:​ Hello and a good meowing everyone! :blobcathearts:​ A new week has begun, make the most of it and stay safe! :blobcathug:​❤️


@stux Good afternoon and have a great week 🙂 ☕


Oh #China, don’t ban me

Oh wait. :blobcatblueegg: :cmx_doge:


@stux this is so close to being porn and fails miserably.

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