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440 posts total

Greetings from #Washy #cat mew :blobcathearts: :blobcatgiggle:


Comparing the Hubble’s image to that that of the new Webb telescope

#Hubble #JWST

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@stux ну слава богу. а то я вчера не мог понять в чем прикол Вебба тк фоточки были идентичные хаблу


It’s almost like programming!

Just pushing buttons all day :cmx_doge:

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@stux Makes you feel like you are flying a plane, with all the cool buttons around you

11/10, would get


Got a little draft yay! I'm going with tailwind for styling I guess

This is the new 'Goldfish' project I'm working on as a learning and FOSS platform for replacing TikTok & Vine(from back in the days..) but without all bullshit


Sometimes I don't use the img alt (media description) the right way on Mastodon because I already said what the media is about in the post itself so I use it as a 'funny hidden text' in that case :blobcatgiggle:​


@stux On twitter, I leave Easter eggs for a couple of my blind followers. Always gives them a giggle 😄


At 44-feet(13.4m) tall, 90-feet(27.4m) long and weighing 2,300 tons, the Finnish-made Wärtsilä-Sulzer RTA96-C churns out a whopping 109,000 horsepower and is designed for large container ships. It's the world's largest Diesel engine

unnerving duck


the stats for this thing are incredible, and according to that Wikipedia page: "(Whole engine uses up to 250 tons of fuel per day.)"

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Cool Ranch Dorito

@stux seems like something inspirobot would come up with.


@stux [Description] A gorgeous photograph of the milky way in a dark blue night sky alive with stars. In the foreground is the silhouette of a steep mountain. The horizon is bathed in pale light.

The caption, in white letters, reads, "anything can be a UFO if you're bad at identifying stuff"


@stux that’s because it’s “unidentified flying object” 😂😂 #ufo #alien


Yup, confirmed. #Twitter has become even more shit than it was before!💩

South Park called it 'Shitter', makes a lot more sense indeed :blobcatscience:

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@stux get people onto the smaller instances. The big ones don't need to be bigger :blobheartcat:

@stux they must have been looking at the federated timeline

Madeline :antiverified:

@stux I was pretty much permabanned because I put the name mastodon in my new Twitter handle.

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