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2022: Ads AFTER the video ended.

ZbeulFanix ⏚ ⸫

I have to admit, I got so fed up with ads I signed up to YouTube premium. Yeah, I know...


@ScriptFanix damn! :blobcatgiggle: But yeah.. adBlocker doesn’t work on Chromecast

ZbeulFanix ⏚ ⸫

But now there's video sponsorship. It's a losing battle

Moved to

@ScriptFanix @stux There's an extension called Sponsorblock that skips all sponsored segments of a video. I don't know how well it works, but it's still something.


@ScriptFanix @stux eh I prefer the video sponsorship to the ads, bc at least in that case the money's going to the creator of the video
the normal ads *maybe* go *a tiny bit* to the creator and the rest goes to Google :/


@raphaelmorgan @ScriptFanix @stux I agree. And video sponsorship don’t need any tracking. And the creator can refuse some of them (compared to Google ads, at least).

(mapcar #'emacsomancer objs)

@stux @ScriptFanix

Other ad-free options:

- NewPipe (and there's a SponsorBlock fork too: ) [makes sense on mobile]
- SmartTubeNext: [makes sense on a "tv device"

ZbeulFanix ⏚ ⸫

@emacsomancer Unfortunately my SmartMonitor does not embark Android. It's a Samsung device

(mapcar #'emacsomancer objs)

@ScriptFanix @stux

I plugged a ~$20 android stick device into my Samsung smart-tv to avoid this sort of issue.


@ScriptFanix Maybe you could use NewPipe , , piped, youtube-dl, mpv, VLC or something like that.

Paying an abusive, targeted advertisement company is something I'd never do. I even regret having to use them, sometimes.

I'm also switching to Vimeo+PeerTube+any-nonGoogle-video-plataform.


@ScriptFanix @stux You know... what? If we want to get out of this ad interested hellhole the internet has become, we will need to start paying directly for the stuff we use.

It's odd that people seem ashamed of paying for YouTube in particular


@stux 2025 subliminal ads, hidden in between the miliseconds. 2030 ads activated inside our minds by Neuralink when you press play.


@roq or they remove the videos and only show ads :blobcatgiggle:


@stux I started downloading the videos and then playing them outside YouTube instead of watching them on the site

Lunch (--)

@stux post-video ads have been a thing for a while


@stux ads before or during videos are one thing cause i have to watch them to watch the video i want. But the ones after videos are especially annoying cause once the video ends it's time to browse comments or other videos, and i have to stop it every time. Since there's nothing to see after them theres no reason to watch them so do they really achieve anything besides being an annoyance?

Joël Schurter #PrayforUkraine 🇺🇦

@stux I know, that this is not a solution for every situation or device, but I use NewPipe on my smartphone and uBlock on Firefox on my laptop.
But yeah, besides that, the ads on YouTube are annoying, not only the frequency, but also the content of them (i guess, at least 70% is scam).


For those like myself that use Ublock Origin ads on Youtube are a foreign concept. I have heard of such things but don't experience them.

Hints: use Brave, you won't have ads, never.

Christian Meyer

@stux I think, Google has financial problems, trying to get more money out of users content. ...

Perhaps it's a good time to let YouTube die. Show them that you don't want their ads. I think PeerTube is a good Option.


@stux More after this message from Manmower 4.0! I've been using their new mower on my nether regions, and my sad, lonely existence allows me to imagine what it would be like to be close to someone, physically.

Click the ad link below to fool yourself into thinking 20% off your order for a product you have zero use for is a good use of your money!

Don't forget to like and subscribe, and share this video on your socials!

G 🇮🇹

@stux am I the only one not seeing a single ad on youtube? maybe the videos I'm watching are not worth of an ad? maybe uBlock Origin does its job well 🤷🏻‍♂️


@ranx On desktop I also don't see them but with ChromeCast there so much..

G 🇮🇹

@stux hmm.. that's what happens with proprietary stuff 😏 tsk tsk ☝️


@stux @ranx i think youtube tries to reach some sort quota of ads per user per hour, if i have been watching on desktop with adblocker for a while there's like an ad at every possible opportunity when i start watching on mobile, but it gets a bit less after a while of continuously watching on mobile.
obviously still way way too much but yea

W. Knight|西郡騎士 🇺🇦🇭🇰

> search for old ads that are shown before I was born
> puts up a pre-roll ad
> exit the vid, tap on the same link again
> rinse and repeat

🐧DaveNull🐧 ☣️pResident Evil☣

@stux 2022 : People making ads in middle of their own videos.

🐧DaveNull🐧 ☣️pResident Evil☣

@bgardner 2030: Damn marketers injecting ads into people brain during their sleep time.



@stux YouTube was about YOU, now it's just AdTube.

jakob 🇦🇹 ✅
@p2anav @stux

So, a new era begins... Peertube is in da house!!!
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