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ZbeulFanix ⏚ ⸫

I have to admit, I got so fed up with ads I signed up to YouTube premium. Yeah, I know...


@ScriptFanix damn! :blobcatgiggle: But yeah.. adBlocker doesn’t work on Chromecast

ZbeulFanix ⏚ ⸫

But now there's video sponsorship. It's a losing battle

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@ScriptFanix @stux There's an extension called Sponsorblock that skips all sponsored segments of a video. I don't know how well it works, but it's still something.


@ScriptFanix @stux eh I prefer the video sponsorship to the ads, bc at least in that case the money's going to the creator of the video
the normal ads *maybe* go *a tiny bit* to the creator and the rest goes to Google :/


@raphaelmorgan @ScriptFanix @stux I agree. And video sponsorship don’t need any tracking. And the creator can refuse some of them (compared to Google ads, at least).

(mapcar #'emacsomancer objs)

@stux @ScriptFanix

Other ad-free options:

- NewPipe (and there's a SponsorBlock fork too: ) [makes sense on mobile]
- SmartTubeNext: [makes sense on a "tv device"

ZbeulFanix ⏚ ⸫

@emacsomancer Unfortunately my SmartMonitor does not embark Android. It's a Samsung device

(mapcar #'emacsomancer objs)

@ScriptFanix @stux

I plugged a ~$20 android stick device into my Samsung smart-tv to avoid this sort of issue.


@ScriptFanix Maybe you could use NewPipe , , piped, youtube-dl, mpv, VLC or something like that.

Paying an abusive, targeted advertisement company is something I'd never do. I even regret having to use them, sometimes.

I'm also switching to Vimeo+PeerTube+any-nonGoogle-video-plataform.


@ScriptFanix @stux You know... what? If we want to get out of this ad interested hellhole the internet has become, we will need to start paying directly for the stuff we use.

It's odd that people seem ashamed of paying for YouTube in particular

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