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Ted :pmgpurple:

@stux for bonus points, use a QR code.

For hyper extreme bonus points, engrave it on a golden disk and send it into space


@esdin @stux

My wife cross stiched a Rick Roll QR code.


@emacsen @esdin Whaha thats so awesome :blobcatgiggle:​:rickroll:​


@stux i didn't.
stop throwing shits into oceans. ><

Alex@rtnVFRmedia Suffolk UK

@stux but if I throw the bottle in the sea here, its only sooner or later going to end up on your coast, and at least one of the the drunken opa's on the pirate stations are going to play Rick Astley at 04:00 anyway as a matter of routine, so it makes 0 differnce 😁


@stux Or - Use a grabify link so you can see where it ends up

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