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441 posts total

Cheers :blobcheerwitch: Ive redone the status page for and setup one for

Instead of Cachet we now use Kuma! A free open source UptimeRobot like thingy


Noti for #Mastodon server admins:

You can now add a status page URL to your instances 'About' section in the admin settings! This will add a status URL to the footer links :ablobwink:


:nkoWave: :blobcatsnuggle: Hello and a gooood meowing everyone!

Have a most wonderful #Caturday and stay safe ❤️ :blobcathearts:


Oh btw, being a moderator or admin on #Mastodon is not something fancy like in Habbo Hotel :lego_laugh:

You won't get a cool shiny badge or something, just a shit ton of work 🧑‍🏭

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Robert "Szkodnix" 🏅

Here! It's not a badge but at least it's shiny

Kevin Karhan :verified:

@stux *nodds in agreement*

BTW: #Habbo has fired all mods and replaced them with an #AI & #WordFilter...

Lorrie W


❤And a lot of people who *Love* you


Personally I find 'blocking an instance because they won't block /any/ other instance' big bullshit :nkoFacepalm:

First of all, you don't get to dictate the rules on any others instance to begin with and secondly why should you be bothered by this?

If you block that /any/ instance it's done and you won't see stuff for it anymore but stop shaming others for not making the same decision, that's very childish

"I block you because you won't block them" <-- ignore that bullshit please

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Jaco G

@stux Dunno bruh. I would rather not federate with instances that federate with nazis etc but you do you.

Let instances block whoever the fuck they want.

Deborah Pickett

@stux One poorly understood feature of federation is that blocks aren’t transitive. If I’m on instance A and my instance blocks harmful instance C, but your instance B does not, then my posts can still reach instance C if you boost a post of mine and someone from C follows you. If my safety depends on my posts not reaching C, then your instance’s choice to not block can be a threat to my safety. A lot of my attitude to instances that don’t participate in blocking the worst actors stems from this scenario.

Not saying that this is what happened in the case you’re thinking of, but few admins think of this angle and are surprised when I point it out to them.

@stux One poorly understood feature of federation is that blocks aren’t transitive. If I’m on instance A and my instance blocks harmful instance C, but your instance B does not, then my posts can still reach instance C if you boost a post of mine and someone from C follows you. If my safety depends on my posts not reaching C, then your instance’s choice to not block can be a threat to my safety. A lot of my attitude to instances that don’t participate in blocking the worst actors stems from this scenario.


Devs: We should add a kiosk mode to make the application safer.
Manager: No time for such nonsense, deploy it now.

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gavinisdie :troll:

@stux bruh I'd just open the internet browser and make it display a random image that makes no sense

Derek 🌈

@stux @chase I would have went straight to the command line and do a trace route and ping a few things

Tane Piper

@stux Oooh, my trips usually mean eating a lot of fast food - so I'll have to give this a try :)

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Chris :gayduck:

@stux in this analogy, for me, i realise after a month or two that the pen has dried out, because i forgot to install basic stuff, and i have to google "my pen dried out arch reddit" 🤦‍♂️


Do more #Mastodon admins experience many many pull errors the past few days?

I got this on both instances and can't find the reason 🤔

Already block those 2 domains from a whuile ago that spammed via pull




Ohhh noooo.... #BusinessInsider :catblush:

It's MastOdon and not MastAdon! :mastodon:


Ah well, I tried :blobcatgiggle: Not bad with the default Apple apps on iOS



I feel like you could feed this into #StableDiffusion and end up with something pretty serviceable quickly. 👀


Little FYI, I will NOT sell, or NO MATTER WHAT.

I don't give a sh*t about money. Paying the bills is okay but that's it.

This place is much more important and no money in the world can buy that away from me

A promise I made over and over and again this time ❤️

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Kyle Hasegawa

@stux I just want to say thank you. It was difficult to choose a server but I'm glad I chose

Charles U. Farley

@stux I don't think pawoo was sold for the money. The post I read said something about liability for insufficient moderation.


b000m! :kaboom: 172 reports solved and over 50 spam account suspended ✅

Soo sorry for the mess while I was asleep :sad_cat:


I didn’t know you could easy cut object from pictures in iOS! :blobcatmegumin:

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