Email or username:


Forgot your password?

Devs: We should add a kiosk mode to make the application safer.
Manager: No time for such nonsense, deploy it now.

Mars 1024 🎄🎁

@stux : 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


What an amateur move to reach for the shutdown functionality... 😎


Or checking on activating the screen keyboard and how the cash register/payment processing works... In the end, perhaps install solitaire collection over the internet and play some spider...

The Doctor

@stux @byteborg Don't forget to check the volume control!

BafPuDvHe (Andre S.)

Why not start some Pr0n via Chrome?
Or just open the online order system of the competitor. 😂

Delta Sierra

@stux shoot, if anything this greatly *improves* functionality! Now customers can conveniently place *all* their orders from the same location!


Sahajesh ✅

@stux Do they expose the USB port or wireless? Imagine being able to play Xbox Gamepass while eating out 😂


@stux No! That reminds me the cheating in older cabinets arcade games with sequence of inputs via buttons and joystick, but that is a big mistake.

Klaus Frank

@stux Alternativ könnte man auch einfach explorer.exe aus dem Autostart raus nehmen...

Enapiuz :mac: :typescript:

@stux Sometimes the only way to convince management is to make it to an extreme.
So, imagine being a developer forced to deploy it and the same day going to the field and opening some porn.


@stux “Run as administrator” 😁😁😁

Jeremy Mosby

@stux If they got it right the first time, nobody would pay for version 2.0.

Eduardo Zambia :v_com:

@industrialartifact @stux Damn right 🤣👍

the more bugs you ship, the more fixes you gotta make.
which really improves the "client as a hostage" situation.

it's proven strategy.

you just have to make sure to add another bug to each bug you fix. otherwise the system won't be **stable**.

Southern Liberal

Mgmt.: "Why is our ordering panel shut off?"

Developers: "You."

Sesame Squirrel

Ah, managers.








@south_lib @stux

Ian Scott :apple_inc: 🐙

@stux reminds me of when the app I was using on on of these crashed to desktop and didn’t restart, so of course I dug in the start menu and started Minecraft


@polpo :blobcatgiggle: awesome!

And the kids love it!

Feq Buermoy

Ian Scott, you had been grown up very fast! 😉

Ian Scott :apple_inc: 🐙

@Gaelan it’s preinstalled on some editions of Windows 10, or at least was in 2018 when this photo is from


@stux I personally take great pride in finding ways to break out of kiosk UI and reach Windows or start cmd.exe on any of those public UI things.

🏳️‍🌈 HeroRareheart 🏳️‍⚧️

@stux I'm pretty sure Windows has a kiosk mode built in what the fuck

Григорий Клюшников

🏳️‍🌈 HeroRareheart 🏳️‍⚧️, you could always set your kiosk app as the "shell" somewhere in the registry. The taskbar and the desktop wouldn't even load if you do that.


@HeroRareheart @stux

Do that mode do something specific with OS? Like not starting explorer.exe

Eduardo Zambia :v_com:

@HeroRareheart @stux you mean they should've read like manuals or actual documentation? ain't nobody got for that.

GreenSkyOverMe (Monika)

⬆️ Video description: A touch screen for ordering food. By swiping up the user is able to access the start menu and shut it down


@stux The fact that they were running windows in the first place is hilarious lol. Would have never happened if it was headless.

@stux It's even worse than one can think. Have you noticed that there's also Google chome on it ?
Eingfoan :donor:

@stux this looks like an mc Donald’s terminal (physically)

Is it?

Tim is wearing a mask 🌈

@eingfoan @stux I've seen Tim Horton's and McD using the same hardware and visual style of menus.


@stux I had a coffee vending machine at University running Windows 10. It unironically has an unencrypted .txt file with all the prices. Changed it to zero : Free coffee for everyone ☕ !

I did try with negative values : Overflow, tea was pricey 🍵.

Tim is wearing a mask 🌈

@stux I worked on London Underground's touch screen ticket machines in the 1990s. We made damn sure only our app could use the touchscreen, and the OS thought it was just a serial port.

:bun: Stellar 🇫🇷

shut downdude should have opened youtube and rickroll the shop

:digitalcourage: Damien

@stux in the store I visited last year there was a notification about a not registered win version 😃


@stux This is the only reasonable way to deal with self checkout kiosks. Shut down that anti worker bs.


@stux hahahahaha. Guessing that kiosk spends most of its time mining bitcoin now.

John Arrington

@stux Romanian kids will not let this go unexploited.

Doom. Obviously, you have to install Doom on the machine.

@stux manager has been burned too many times by devs suggesting "let's just add this one thing" and the project continuesly getting delayed as a result as they eff around...


@laimis @stux In my day, the Devs built to a spec provided. We didn't get to make up stuff to add. The business decided.

They were usually the ones who wanted to "just add this" all the way through the development process. Even after the final spec had been signed off and approved.


@stux @masklayer I want someone to make an edit with the Jojo "to be continued" thing lol

I'm the fondude 🟥🟨

@stux testing, that's for cowards, push to production.


@stux nah, it's a feature for saving some power


@stux LOL. Killing explorer.exe could do the job but a lot of times corner swipe needs to be disabled as well


Isn't it already in kiosk mode?

Just poorly implemented.

Squirrel Monkey :verified:

@stux Door dezelfde truc kon ik ooit bij de instellingen komen van de KPN-internetzuil op Schiphol.

H Overseer

@squirrelmonkey @stux that IS kiosk mode on windows, just a really average implementation of it.

Squirrel Monkey :verified:

@overseer @stux The Windows version at Schiphol Airport was a full version. I could even turn off the payment app. I reported it to KPN.


@stux Once, while in the Game, we pressed Ctrl+Alt+F1 on the display keyboards, and learnt that they where connected to a Raspberry pi, along with the monitors.

My friends then did SysRq+REISUB, to force it to reboot.


@stux hilarious that embedded systems like ordering kiosks are shipping with windows 10 rather than a a more tightly integrated Linux solution. So much more resource usage, update nonsense, and security holes w/windows on a single-use device.

gavinisdie :troll:

@stux bruh I'd just open the internet browser and make it display a random image that makes no sense

Derek 🌈

@stux @chase I would have went straight to the command line and do a trace route and ping a few things

Tane Piper

@stux Oooh, my trips usually mean eating a lot of fast food - so I'll have to give this a try :)

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