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What's it with people reporting every single person they dont like.. :amaze:

Please, stop with that.

This is not #Twitter. Please use features like mute or block if you don't like people but stop reporting otherwise I'll start banning people who keep reporting for nothing :blobhammer:

I'm trying to keep things running with so many new people and it's such a waste of time to hear whatever you don't like

Otherwise go waste Elon's time, not mine


@Vittoria The manager is getting a little pissed :blobcatgiggle: :catblush:


@Heros Don't think my gf would like that :catblush: :blobcatgiggle:

Hero Tammes Buirs @stux Hahahaha…don’t tell her about it please..She would kill me😂

berkes 🐝 🚐 🏄 🌱

@stux would it help if there's a list of 'report abusers' in the admin?

Where you can see a list of accounts that have reported but that an admin declined? Or such?

I guess I could make that as a PR for mastodon. Because I've been seeing this "abuse of moderators energy" too...

@stux I mean, people come to decentralized network and acting like on centralized social netwowrks.... Relax people and LEARN
Paul Wilde
@stux I think that's the most angry I've ever seen you :blobcathuggies:

@selea Only but one? :blobcatgiggle:

I woke up with 70+ :bloblaugh:

Tuna meanwhile i get zero reports on my instance
because nobody uses it
not even me

Lorien Brownie

@stux @selea Are these reports for posts that could or should have carried the content warning? Or are these normal posts that are being reported for trivial reasons?

Gonzo 🇭🇺 🇺🇦 🇪🇺 :cia:

@stux There should be a popup before reporting to leave the admins alone and offer other resolutions

She-Ra Co-Exists 🌩️

@stux Haven't really run into anyone I would even feel like reporting yet. Guess I lucked out on my follows.


@SheRa_Persists @stux me too. But I’d never considered reporting someone who I didn’t agree with. I’ve reported overt racism, and will do it here if I see it, but otherwise blocking is the only tool I’ve ever considered

Aral Balkan

@stux Not to add yet another task to your list but would it help to add this information prominently to the about page as part of the instance policies? (As an educational device.)

e.g., Something along the lines of: “If you don’t want to hear from someone, please block or mute them. The ‘report’ feature is for reporting abuse only. We define abuse as listed in the server terms here <link>”

Le fractal 🔴

@aral @stux Some customizable text in a popup before confirming the report would be nice!

Aral Balkan

@lefractal @stux Or maybe even a rewording of the standard text to make it clearer?

CC @Gargron

Jeannie McGeehan

You're assuming people bother reading the server terms.

Aral Balkan

@jeannie Haha, I’ve been around far too long to assume something like that :) But some people do. So it’s better than nothing. And the others you can then simply refer to with a link so it’s less effort in the future.



@jeannie @aral I have a feeling posting every now and than has a little more impact 💝

But maybe it's a goood idea in the server rules! Since people now need to agree to them before signin up

Aral Balkan

@stux Also, hang in there; you’re doing great 💕

Velocipede Rider

@stux You are fantastic, do not let this burn you out.


@stux exactly, if it's not a specific infraction against the server rules stop reporting!

Reporting is not a tool for you to report people you don't like.

CN Ó Raghallaigh


seems to be a lot of
- learned helplessness
- real ignorance (of where the self-help tools are)

- desire to control what others say instead of what they themselves hear.

Pirated Kashmiri

@stux banned from a server? What happens when someone is banned?

Patrick Schmitz

@stux quite annoying those people that want to remove every opinion that doesn't match theirs. On fora and reddit you see it happen quite a lot. People downvoting and reporting for no sensible reason.


@stux that's the snowflake way just report those you disagree with. There should be rules against it wasting admin time.

Thanks for the post..


@stux unfortunately many people on mastodon are the people that are offended by anything... you'll have to get used to it as more people come

Thomas Lee ✅ :patreon:

@stux Things have been rough in the past few days with the #MastodonMigration! I do appreciate your hard work and when my next pension payment hits I will try to divert a few pence your way (wish it was more).


@stux You are doing an amazing job, in unprecedented circumstances!


@stux "otherwise I'll start banning people who keep reporting for nothing"

This should be standard policy and announced near reporting buttons.


@stux Come on guys!
This isn't how society should work!


@stux perhaps this is a problem with having so many people on your instance? I can imagine it's hard moderate/build-community if your instance is too big.

Stephan (moved house)

@RadiantFlux @stux both being a general instance and being a large instances. But in general people coming in ‘trigger happy’ as conditioned by twitter. To disagree or dislike some doesn’t make them instant bannable (probably not a word). I have seen idiots on Mastodon, but that is no reason to ban. Just trying to avoid as the plague.


@Stephan @stux I am on a small instance, and I think it just works better. My admin is super responsive and has a sense of the sort of community they wants to cultivate.

I think it's hard/impossible to have a coherent group of people when you have 10,000s there.

I think it's a mistake (but it's a free world) to have such big instances on Mastodon in general.

Stephan (moved house)

@stux @RadiantFlux with current influx we must be happy. They are the buffer. People will find there way eventually. The are the main street people use to start venturing in surrounding neighbourhoods.


@Stephan @stux I actually don't think Mastodon owes Twitter anything. I would happy if servers closed to new members until they can handle the influx properly.

But I understand that's a minority opinion.

And I am a heartless bastard.

Michael Santaly

@RadiantFlux @stux @Stephan Yea, I think a long term goal of the admins should be figuring out how to break up some of these larger instances. It defeats the purpose of decentralization and makes things harder to run.

But I understand right now we just want the doors open for people trying to get here from Twitter

Yami no senshi

@Stephan @RadiantFlux @stux the problem is when the spread conspiracy stuff and some easy to convince people believe that you know what happened after trump lost the election?

David Hughes ✅

@stux He’s too busy being SPACE KAREN!!! 🤪



I feel your pain. And then there are reports with nothing in it.

What do they expect I can do with such reports?!

Geof Hughes 🖤

@stux New here? Go make a cuppa. Sit down and find out about the Big Grey Elephant before moaning about it. Run by volunteers, not big corporations, it is now carrying over 7million people on its back, up from 500k in roughly a month. Devs, mods and owners are working hard to keep things running smoothly. Thank them and donate if possible.


@stux that crowd is always pissed off at someone. Right now they are pissed off with Elon because he won't let Alex Jones and Trump back on his platform. Something about free speech all.

Anyway thanks for all you do, and understand

"this to shall pass"


@stux love it here. Keep up the great work. I just donated on #Patreon.


@stux agreed. Just block or mute. For example toots in a language I don’t know I mute. Stuff I understand but don’t agree with, I block: easy


@stux i especially don't get it when people don't realize they can block entire instances

codetholdory :mastodon:

@stux in don't get this, in Mastodon you create your own timeline, you don't get posts forced by an algorithm.
Just unfollow, mute or block and move on, if you're seeing stuff you don't like you're following the wrong people, not your tribe.

Todd Tyrtle

@stux Hey - there's this guy in my office. He's kind of irritating and chews really loudly in the next cubicle. Can you come to my workplace and talk to HR about having him fired?

Sorry you have to deal with all the nonsense like that - and thanks for doing all you do.

Chase TM Anderson, 💖🦄🏳️‍🌈🦸🏽‍♂️

@stux we really appreciate all the work you’re doing and the kindness and care 💖💖💖💖💖

Chase TM Anderson, 💖🦄🏳️‍🌈🦸🏽‍♂️

@MaRY1Fem it is very refreshing and it’s so nice to see other people here I love from other places getting to experience this kind of peacefulness, which I know comes from intention and effort on so many people’s parts 💖



I can't stop smiling at this post..

(Thank you for your efforts!)


@stux love how there’s servers run by actual humans So we can sort shit out ourselves



Why is there even an 'I don't like this' option in the Report section? What is a moderator supposed to do with that notification?

Yami no senshi

@stux but death treats should get reported unthinkable also stuff like nationalist conspiracy stuff


I like the way I can just think “Nah, that’s not for me” and mute someone. It might be that a few months down the line I will change my mind. But for the moment it’s fine.

Ontario's Health Data Experts

@stux np. Will try and keep it down for a while. Thanks for the opportunity and the work.

Yami no senshi

@stux the problem is when you block people and instances you end up in a bubble it’s actually a huge problem because that way there is no Exchange anymore but at the other way most people nowadays get hostile if they hear another opinion especially the Right Wing nationalist People they are really fast with insults and death treats

Erin Dickins

@stux BOOM! 💥 Well said! I, for one, am grateful to be here!

Póló 🇮🇪 🇺🇦



There's still a lot of Bebo here but that will hopefully evaporate in time.

Кофе с молотком

@stux Can you please unblock


@stux I mean, everyone going to try and bend this to fit them by any means.



Honestly, misuse of reporting feature (and generally misuse of power) should be explained in the rules for as long as it's needed.

We mastodon folks should be able to absorb mindful people who can deal with their own emotions and with folks they don't like.

Who do things themselves (mute, block), before supercharging authority (report) unless it clearly breaks local rules.

Also, people are free to set their own rules on mastodon, within their own instance, so go create it.


Honestly, misuse of reporting feature (and generally misuse of power) should be explained in the rules for as long as it's needed.

We mastodon folks should be able to absorb mindful people who can deal with their own emotions and with folks they don't like.

Who do things themselves (mute, block), before supercharging authority (report) unless it clearly breaks local rules.

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