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Personally I have experienced a situation in where someone give certain signals about self harm and even worse here on Mastodon a while ago.

I dropped everything and started talking♥️ Ofc offer professional help first(with phone number or anything) but try to talk!

I’m not a psychologist, not by by a long shot but I am human🥰

Please, if you see something like this happening take the time and talk with the person! You never know what difference it can make!

ZbeulFanix ⏚ ⸫

And in extreme cases, if you know the address, send rescue teams!
And if you don't, don't blame yourself, you did all you could

ZbeulFanix ⏚ ⸫

Nobody should hesitate to send first responders to someone's door if they think they're in danger. If you can, and know someone's in danger, please do it!

ZbeulFanix ⏚ ⸫

I see a lot of fame around this toot. Let me stress that you should only do it if you know the person is ready to inflict selfharm or is going to hurt someone else!


An excellent reminder to be kind because we don’t always know what’s happening on the other side of some ones key board. ❤️

Alfie B-Smith

@stux this is so important. I’m new around these parts and really like Mastodon already.

Amanda Finley Digs All Things

@stux we unfortunately see so much of this in the long COVID community. It's so bad... The best thing we can do while waiting for help is to keep them talking.

Resting Facebitch

@stux Definitely help out if you can.

But also (if the resources are available) try and get the person professional help. Am however fully aware that it's not accessible to a lot of people.


@monsoonrains Since a while we have a little info at the bottom of the /about page about that!


@stux Much respect for your astute observations and laudible response. I'm also open to conversations with anyone who needs to talk.


@stux Often, interacting and engaging with someone makes all the difference in the world ❤️


@stux I had a similar situation many years back before “social media” was a real. I did pretty much the same thing but did pass on the Suicide Hotline to her and encouraged her to call and talk to someone. Chatted with her about a year maybe a little more later and she was doing well and thanked me for being there. The moral of the story is to be there, let them talk, listen and support.


@stux emotional CPR is a two day course designed to teach non professionals to help people in distress. "In the end only kindness matters" Jewel, Hands (song).

Melissa Jo Peltier

@stux You are a very good egg, Stux.
It’s amazing how just some genuine - non superficial - sharing with another human who cares make us feel that we’re not alone. Let’s not be scared of each other. Let’s connect. 🙏🏼❤️

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