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Ricard Torres

@ffeth TIL, thank you good sir :blobcataww:

"a new religion that worships Flying Spaghetti Monster, initially created to protest the Kansas State School Board's decision to teach "Intelligent Design" in schools."



That's how respirators work to prevent you from getting infected with COVID-19, except in reverse (they attract the virus particles using static electricity)

Manny Quez Jones

@Pat @stux whaaaaaat??? This is exactly why I’m here. Had no idea, thank you!


@stux My old physics teacher never did that one

He just did the dandelion hair & zapping people on the nose ones



Love it! I will be showing this to my kid! 😄

K aka Matty Healy stan account

@stux also works as a tragically accurate depiction of my hair that I’ve straightened and brushed twice before it refused to cooperate as soon as I stepped out of the door😭

R. L. Dane :debian: :openbsd:


It's the Crystalline Entity! Shields up!! Photon torpedoes, full spread!!! Worf, start swearing in Klingon!


@RL_Dane @stux Thank goodness somebody else saw that too! The first thing that sprang to mind!


@stux That’s my hair ALL WINTER ❄️

Beta Ziliani

@stux i want to know details to reproduce this at home if possible! Anyone knows?


@stux it’s all fun and games until it fuses to your face.



Looks like just a regular morning with my hair 😊

Talen Lee

@stux this is how they make all the deep sea horrors


Electricity is almost a trillion-trillion-trillion-trillion-trillion times stronger than gravity!

Nature In Fine Art

@stux Looks like fun, but my hair also does this given half a chance. Not a good look.


@stux This is how Shein make all of their clothes.


@stux my old physics teacher, Dr. Leith, used to tell us there’s enough electricity in a twig to power a small town for a year.


@stux another reason I Love you in my feed!

Sharon Cummings Art

@stux I enjoyed this a lot more than I should



This is so good, thank you for sharing.😍

gavinisdie :troll:

@stux ah hell nah my man made a force field

Manny Quez Jones

@stux would you be able to share the materials used to conduct so we can recreate? Thanks I’m advance!

stuart yeates

@stux How about crediting the subject and/or creator please?


@stux Without a doubt one of the best demonstrations of static electricity I have ever seen.

Christine Lemmer-Webber

@stux complete deadpan face while pulling off that magic

Krystle the Actor

@stux It looks like a giant wish flower seed!

chenni no

@stux i have watched this more times than I'd like to admit, but like, SCIENCE IS SO COOL!!!

IoT is the grey goo

@stux What does this tinsel demonstration mean for Christmas?

Old Master Q 。 老夫子

@stux I thought he was going to make some hand-pulled noodles 🍜 and got all excited! But the static is also pretty cool though :)

Jamie Mugg

@stux someone will now claim this proves the earth is flat.

hugovangalen 🤖 🕹️ 😼

@stux So that explains why my hair looks like it does every morning.

Anna Spanner

@stux you’re doing great work but your alt texts are terrible 😘😘


I shouldn't have watched this before bed. My dreams will be straight out of The Outer Limits. 👀


@stux hey... that's better than sticking a balloon on your sister's head!

Throws Shadows

@stux wow, it’s like one of those #Thistle seeds floating in the air

Kathryn Marks

@stux The second best thing about this is that the file name is "can things make look floaty.mp4" 😅


@stux This is like watching a magic trick!


that's how you create a flying tentacled monster.

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