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Thanks to Harvard University, you can now virtually enter the Great Pyramid of #Giza in 3D and 360º

Airikr :endeavourOS:

@stux Any link to that website? I would love exploring that place!

Old Hippie

@stux this is incredibly cool. Do you have a link?

Célistine 🏳️‍⚧️

@stux are there other such tours as well? Always very interested in these sorts of things but there's none linked on the Harvard site

Célistine 🏳️‍⚧️

@stux found a video tour of Lascaux, sadly no digital walkthrough afaict

Emma 💛💙🇬🇧🇩🇰🇪🇺

@stux which is great, cos going in in real life is really unpleasant! 😆

Only one way in and out, so everyone’s trying to squeeze past each other. Hot, sweaty, smelly, and you are crouched down most of the time!

Obviously amazing to be in the room in the centre - but getting there and back is grim!

Den of Earth

For the full experience you need to do a gazillion squats so your quads hurt like hell the next day from walking hunched over up and down the 4' high inclined passage


@stux Amazing thanks for sharing. My son will love this!

Innova Online

@stux thanx for sharing!!!

Amazing what #technology can do ✨


@stux this is amazing!!! I know what I’m doing later ☺️


@stux Thanks for sharing. 😀. Can’t wait to explore.

Bruno Miguel

@stux I saw that a few weeks ago and got amazed by it. It's a really fantastic tool


@stux I wonder if they have a VR version of that...

I only bought my first #Oculus so I could watch Werner Herzog's Cave of Forgotten Dreams.


@stux @SekhmetMedusa definitely relevant if you haven't already seen it.


@stux Ooooh looking forward to viewing that in VR later!

Cainmark 🚲

@stux That is so cool! Thanks people at Harvard who made this viewable.


Fabulous. Thank you

We were lucky enough to visit one of the tombs (not pyramid) in the Valley of the Kings a few years ago. It was an amazing experience. That video brings back good memories

Michael T Babcock

@stux I couldn't have imagined pyramid streetview being a thing a few years ago.

Lexy Cameron

@stux Oooh, I think I'd be claustrophobic in there!

Steve Green

@stux wonderful, could never find the nerve to go far into the corridors.


@stux I've been in it for real! That was 3D too.


@stux It’s too fast! How can I slow it down?

Austin Godber

@stux Yeah, that's super cool. Here's a link to an interactive viewer so you can explore on your own #360 #3D

Alex Hypnotist Chaotician

@stux Part of me is thinking that this really could be spiced up with some Doom monsters.


@stux I’m not sure I want to invite the curse 😳


@stux I love this because with my claustrophobia, I would simply never.

Mary Ann Ritter Wilson

@stux so cool! I was there two weeks ago, was told that it was a difficult journey for an older person with back issues so I didn’t go in. Thanks for me experience this!

Dr.Susan Bushinski

@stux very ver cool thanks for sharing - so are we all virtually cursed?


@stux my back hurts just watching that (still scarred from my trip 15yrs ago)

Larry :verified:

@stux Wonderful! Although I feel somewhat exhausted, just watching it!


@stux When you do things in tight enclosed spaces could you consider a trigger warning.

Mark is learning Mastodon

@stux does this work with VR goggles? I would never be able to handle the claustrophobia in real life but like that VR can let me visit places I wouldn’t be able to otherwise.

Az_The nicest of the damned.

@stux Felt like I should have been rolling dice to avoid traps every few feet.

Michelle Haskew

@stux I’ve done it in real life - it was hot but amazing!

RBSnow :verified:

@stux how amazing! No more having to travel to see all of these amazing places, technology is so wonderful at connecting the world!


@stux And thankfully without having to pay baksheesh!

Helen Holle

@stux This is amazing. My husband was given a private tour decades ago. He was in the Army doing Army stuff. I didn't realize how tight the space looks. Claustrophobic. I like viewing it this way much better.

Guy Holmes

I s’pose it’ll look ok when they get some curtains up…


@GrumpyYetAmusin this will either excite you or make you grumpy, I can’t decide.

Linda Rose Smit

@stux been there, done that. Still great though

Tony 📊

@stux very cool!!! 🤩 Thanks for sharing


@stux They should build a new MYST-like game with this!


@stux Wow, archaeology has come so far since I worked in it. Drones and 3D laser scanning, all I had was a pencil and some drafting film!

Claire Thomson

@stux it really is amazing, but there's no way they'll ever be able to capture stepping inside somewhere like this. There's no way I'll ever make it mind you, so I'll take whati can

Chris McCulloh, MD ♿️(he/him)

@stux I’ve maybe been playing too much Call of Duty lately… I saw this and immediately started looking for enemies to shoot. 👀


@stux So it's like every abandoned building I was excited to enter, expecting to find surprises. But it's just... walls.

Keri Boyce

@stux this both excites me and makes me feel extremely claustrophobic

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