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9 posts total
Cabel Sasser

(I won’t watch this video because I’m embarrassed. That said, I was 40% less nervous than my last talk ten years ago, which feels like progress, and I did enjoy making the slides! Also hilariously I gave a talk at *GDC* without mentioning that we… publish video games?!)

BUT ANYWAY!!!!!! Here is a talk I gave.

From: @playdate

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@cabel it was a wonderful talk! I admire the team's humility and perseverance for having a goal and growing so many new muscles to bring the Playdate to life, thank you for sharing. Also cracked up at how you sampled the FDS color 🟨


@cabel @playdate What a great talk! And yes, the email exchange was *amazing*.

Usually* Harmless

@cabel @playdate that talk was fantastic (dare I say, a slice of joy?) and you may have just gotten yourself another customer!

Cabel Sasser

I never in a million years imagined that one day you’d be able to write Playdate games in Swift (!!!).

Hard for me to express how cool this is, and my deepest thanks to the Swift team for the energy boost!

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@cabel now just waiting for a Playdate x Apple collab to get iMac G3 style transparent Playdates. :)


@cabel "apple engineers writing software for a Panic OS" was not on my bingo card for 2024!

Cabel Sasser

✨ It’s true. I’ve been working on this blog post for ten years.

You see, I’ve been slowly buying up nearly 70 super rare issues of a 80s/90s gadget catalog that meant the world to me growing up. And in the process, I’ve uncovered the secret history of this lost copywriting art.

PLUS, as a bonus, I’ve scanned every single issue — so you can read them all.

I hope you enjoy:

Cabel Sasser


• If you know someone that likes this kind of business, please share the link!

• You can own one of these rare catalogs, if you act fast! I’ve put my extras on eBay, starting at just $5.

Cabel Sasser

I found a "Video Professor" VHS tape digitized on YouTube. I edited it down, but this is EXACTLY how it was uploaded.

The original description said "I apologize the audio is choppy", and I… I think they sorely undersold that one

Happy Halloween


@cabel this new DJ Shadow track just shows how much he continues to push boundaries


@cabel Finally I know how computers work.

Cabel Sasser

The folks that worked on this LEGO age check text field (!!) are automatically the best web developers on the planet right

(Sound on for perfection)

Cabel Sasser

Some product redesigns spotted live in the wild. (New on right.)

The last one is especially shocking to me — after all this time, they finally bit the bullet and renamed to what everyone (non-Canadian) calls it already!! Huge news!

Think of the lawyer time involved

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John Lagomarsino

@cabel the Jello looks great, except for the drop shadow on the flavor text. It’s just a little too much.

Григорий Клюшников

TIL that "jell-o" is an actual brand name

Cabel Sasser

sure, just what I want to think about every time I log in

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Pseudonymous :antiverified:

They keep these answers in a database. They sell these answers to others. How long until they ask for something EVERYONE really cares about?

Jackson Hayes

@cabel they should throw in a "Where were you on January 6th, 2021"

Cabel Sasser

A short story. We once submitted Untitled Goose Game to the Mac App Store. It was rejected by the reviewer because they thought you couldn’t skip the credits. (?!?) We explained that you could skip the credits by holding space. It was then rejected for something else and at that point we just gave up and never bothered to resubmit. Fin

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Nick Richards

@cabel What was the "else" it was rejected for?

> It was then rejected for something else

Cameron Mulder

@cabel apple needs to investigate this and fire someone.

Григорий Клюшников

Imagine what the world would be like if you could just skip the iOS app store the same way.

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