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sam henri gold

Take a look at the difference in Framer's website between 2015 and today. It's very interesting. The current one is much trendier but feels less…tangible? And more speculative. Idk. I'm gonna eat an apricot and think about this a little more.


@samhenrigold I think the audience changed significantly in well they used to target designers and teams with a very specific, technical solution. Now they’re aiming much broader, more general so they’re using the “sell the promise, not the product” type of marketing.

sam henri gold

this has become a problem for me since my primary method of finding things online is just appending “reddit” to any google search

Adam Faircloth

@samhenrigold along those lines, I think a lot of the ChatGPT excitement is really just based in the fact search engines are filled with trash, and here's something that can surface an actual real answer

Григорий Клюшников

Also, oddly enough, Yandex, which I mostly neglected as a search engine for the last 10 years, sometimes returns much better results than Google. Google maps though... They're worse than useless.


@samhenrigold @joshbuchea It isn’t just that. I did a search last night without that qualifier and seven of the first links were to private Reddit pages

sam henri gold

If someone wants to take a stab at a prompt injection on Artifact's "summarize this article" feature I'd be moderately curious how they're prompting it.

Josh :verifiedlgbt:

@samhenrigold when I’ve done similar summaries on meeting transcripts, I’ve had good luck with something like “Please summarize the following article clearly and concisely using bullet points: <insert text to summarize>”.

They’ve probably done something similar but maybe requested limits on word count. The trick is to not make the prompt so unwieldy that the LLM forgets what you wanted.

sam henri gold

i’m project managing the construction going on across the street. except they don’t know i’m project managing. i just like keeping tabs on them when I walk past and think “hm i feel like they should’ve delivered the flagstone by now”

sam henri gold

oh my god am i…old????

i need to walk through a pottery barn to clear my head.

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"It is better to do nothing instead of making a proprietary program." (Translation)

— Richard Stallman at Talent Land 2018 (Jalisco, México)

Max Leibman

@samhenrigold Does that mean I’ve been a successful developer for decades without knowing it?!

sam henri gold

Model? View?! What's next, viewmodel?? Lmao. Get real ,, smh my head

sam henri gold

…my office when it was still jaundice yellow? yeah I remember that. didn't want to, though.

sam henri gold

imagine fucking up developer relations so bad you cause /r/cake (the baking subreddit) and /r/cakeband to shut down indefinitely in protest

sam henri gold

the short skirt / long jacket / slow wheels of justice

sam henri gold

I've been designing with Material You for the past few months and something I noticed when switching back to iOS is how your accent color is relatively limited in scope: labels, background/foreground fills are always tinted blue.

“Color grading” your app should be easier. If your app is green, why should the background be off-blue? Why are labels pure black when they can be infused with a bit of color?

Additional reading:
[2] by @ian

I've been designing with Material You for the past few months and something I noticed when switching back to iOS is how your accent color is relatively limited in scope: labels, background/foreground fills are always tinted blue.

“Color grading” your app should be easier. If your app is green, why should the background be off-blue? Why are labels pure black when they can be infused with a bit of color?

sam henri gold

It's extremely subtle but it's a wonderful bit of polish.

Григорий Клюшников

Before flat design took over, apps went crazy with this stuff. Everything got customized to follow a common theme. It was extreme pain as a developer, sure, but the result looked nice.

sam henri gold

listen, we’ve all stored a few boxes of documents in our showers. it happens, we’re all human.


@samhenrigold riding the owo bike to the owo hydwo

(nah i’m kidding, i haven’t used one of the owo bikes in ages)

sam henri gold

this is the least important thing here but they redesigned CNN and I have strong opinions on their absolutely busted corner radii.

sam henri gold

They need to roll back multiple timers in iOS. Our idiot brains simply cannot process more than one timer simultaneously — humans aren’t meant to handle it. It’s dangerous

sam henri gold

Whenever I go from SwiftUI tinkering to a web project, I'm always struck by how you get _absolutely fucking nothing_ for free on the web platform.

I've been spoiled by, you know, easily truncating text and embedding a map with a single line. Meanwhile you gotta fight with every morsel of energy in your body to make custom tooltips on the web.

Григорий Клюшников

I'm the opposite. When a platform/library allows me to do something complex very easily, I get extremely suspicious. My experience tells me that this ease, that usually comes with reduced control over what I'm doing, will eventually bite me in the ass so hard I won't ever recover.

For SwiftUI specifically, I heard people complain that it makes it easy to build things Apple has made a provision for, but for anything even a little bit non-standard you're screwed. Also lots of undocumented "magic" behaviors with paddings and animations and such.

I'm the opposite. When a platform/library allows me to do something complex very easily, I get extremely suspicious. My experience tells me that this ease, that usually comes with reduced control over what I'm doing, will eventually bite me in the ass so hard I won't ever recover.

For SwiftUI specifically, I heard people complain that it makes it easy to build things Apple has made a provision for, but for anything even a little bit non-standard you're screwed. Also lots of undocumented "magic" behaviors...

sam henri gold

really cool that @Rougeux's amazing web projects got showcased in all the web sessions at #WWDC23. if you haven't seen it already, you gotta check out

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