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sam henri gold

The #WWDC23 sessions that aren't *specifically* about developing spacial stuff do not refer to the Reality Pro by name — only "your device" or "xrOS device”. I'm guessing the name was either under wraps or up in the air until the last minute so they were told to keep it vague

Harshil Shah

@samhenrigold I’ve also heard “headset” and “reality” in some sessions. Also it’s the Vision Pro!

sam henri gold

important poll

Anonymous poll


31 people voted.
Voting ended 8 Jun 2023 at 12:05.
sam henri gold

i took the red pill and blue pill and now i’m trapped in a volumetric shared space

sam henri gold

could you imagine explaining this to your grandparent

sam henri gold

does it *have* to be my eyes on the outside or can I steal someone else's

David Beck :xcode:

That’s minority report. Wrong dystopia.

Григорий Клюшников

It can be anyone's eyes but you have to jailbreak it first

sam henri gold

idk man, pinching your fingies is cool and all but i was kinda hoping they were going to have two digital crowns where you can move around a cursor like an etch a sketch

sam henri gold

i wanna flick the tiny basketball players.

sam henri gold

this implies the existence of Vision Air and Vision Pro Max

sam henri gold

my father — and I swear this is true — asked if they’ve canceled WWDC because of the writers strike

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Claude Zeins

@samhenrigold I heard the entire keynote is improvised because they couldn’t find a writer

Mark Boszko

@samhenrigold Whellllllll some part of Apple is likely a guild signatory due to Apple TV+ originals so it’s not an entirely irrelevant question?

Nick Foster

@samhenrigold @joesteel expect a lot of lame jokes from all the presenters who had to write their own copy 😂😂

sam henri gold

shout out to the 1300 people currently watching a static image. let me know if anything happens, you guys are the real heroes


@samhenrigold I've always wondered if autodownload scripts that poll a URL and wait for a stream to start count toward this

Григорий Клюшников

Might be people who left a tab open to not forget about it when it starts

Claude Zeins

@samhenrigold the highlight opacity thing is a travesty. I also think Instagram, despite its zillion shortcomings, has really figured out the best way to add/scale/rotate text to images and I wish Apple would steal that paradigm.

sam henri gold

ed sheeran is so real for that “push and pull like a magnet do” lyric. cause, like, magnets DO be doing that, am I right?? and i’ve always said that

Doug McArthur

@samhenrigold he definitely has an understanding of magnets that goes way beyond some other musicians.

sam henri gold

non-tabular digits when the number is expected to change (like a progress bar or a countdown) is easily my biggest design pet peeve

sam henri gold

AND IT’S SO EASY TO FIX. One modifier in SwiftUI! One rule in CSS! I have `font-variant-numeric: tabular-nums;` tattooed on my arm!!

sam henri gold

#webdev and #webdesign people: what’s the current gold standard CMS for a static site? Having a bit of choice paralysis between Strapi, Craft, Ghost, Sanity, NetlifyCMS, the rest

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D. Griffin Jones

@samhenrigold I really like Jekyll + GitHub Pages for my website!

Soham Adwani

@samhenrigold agency wise we use sanity, for personal stuff I prefer prismic cause it’s simpler

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