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Григорий Клюшников

I'm the opposite. When a platform/library allows me to do something complex very easily, I get extremely suspicious. My experience tells me that this ease, that usually comes with reduced control over what I'm doing, will eventually bite me in the ass so hard I won't ever recover.

For SwiftUI specifically, I heard people complain that it makes it easy to build things Apple has made a provision for, but for anything even a little bit non-standard you're screwed. Also lots of undocumented "magic" behaviors with paddings and animations and such.

1 comment
sam henri gold

@grishka See I used to feel the same way during the early days of SwiftUI but I really think they've made enough progress where their "common things should be easy, complex things should be possible" motto is grounded in reality.

I'm thinking of all the sorts of things I'd need to do to accomplish this layout with a grouped list inside a half-sheet (that also lets you slide it away) in vanilla web tech and it's not pretty. Meanwhile it's, like, 30 lines that I wrote on an iPad.

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