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sam henri gold

bummer how the system color picker on windows is...what it is.

A color picker panel straight from Windows XP. Two columns, left column is a section titled "Basic colors" with a 6-by-8 grid of color wells. They have an embossed effect like you forgot to turn off default CSS styles on a button. The right column contains a color spectrum with a crosshair along with a luminance slider. Shit is nasty, there's banding galore.
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Григорий Клюшников

If you poke around Windows 11 enough, you will be able to find UIs that last changed before I was born

Thomas N :yikes:

@samhenrigold 20 years and still no clue what the >> button is

sam henri gold

here to tell you not to buy cork coasters. they just stick to the bottom of your drinking vessel, they’re not weighted correctly. they look nice but it’s not worth it.

sam henri gold

im generally pretty Type A but I think my limit is fitted sheets. there my attitude sours to "fuck all of this so much, this'll do"

A neatly folded sheet next to a hastily wrapped together fitted sheet ball
ko kāihe ahau 🫏 :verified:

@samhenrigold Oooo! I can fold fitted sheets. I spend hours watching a YouTube video while yelling “THIS IS WITCHCRAFT!” but, now I can. 😃

Mike Beasley

@samhenrigold when vine was still a thing (RIP) i posted one at the end of a school year where i said "to all of you graduating and moving out, here's how you fold a fitted sheet" the balled it up, dropped it, and said "there ya go"

sam henri gold

bumper to bumper traffic at the intersection of art and technology

Chris Barlow

@samhenrigold Don’t even get me started about the traffic next block over

sam henri gold

<marquee>why isn't this working on here</marquee>

<blink>literally 1984</blink>

sam henri gold

i feel the world lost something when we stopped being able to line up at a brick and mortar store to buy a boxed operating system on launch day

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Todd Thomas :ivory_logo:

@samhenrigold As someone who lined up to get those early OSes it wasn't as fun as that picture makes it out to be. They were probably over tired and a bit delirious from not eating/drinking for many hours.

Tyler 👋

@samhenrigold Still thinking about this Ventura retail packaging concept by @BasicAppleGuy

macOS Ventura retail packaging concept, featuring the default orange Ventura wallpaper on a svelte black-bordered box.
sam henri gold

for the Delta gang ONLY

Anonymous poll


biscoff cookie
45 people voted.
Voting ended 14 Apr 2023 at 0:57.
sam henri gold

for me, it’s biscoff ride or die. all day every day. you can squeeze some lime on it and it tastes like a key lime pie. i mean, come on, that’s world-altering.

sam henri gold

they made an ipad that ran macOS. it was called the 12 inch macbook, it was great, and i will never, ever forgive you all for not buying enough of them to keep it around.

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Jesse Baer 🔥

@samhenrigold Never mind that, bring back the PowerBook 2400c


@samhenrigold people have to buy things they don't actually want to keep them around because why?

sam henri gold

i would like for my state of Connecticut to try and get back the western reserve. ohio clearly isn’t putting it to use and i think it would be fun to have a disjointed (wireless?) land area.

D. Griffin Jones

@samhenrigold Excuse me but I have to disagree with you there in my Ohio town we have not one but TWO (2) stoplights and one high school that they’re tearing down to build a smaller one next door and only, like, one insane asylum but they stopped doing that super forever ago ago, like, 1993 so frankly sir I am offensive

Just look what being disconnected is doing for Michigan and Extra Michigan

sam henri gold

the computer is actually called the “iMark” but everyone in the room had Boston accents

sam henri gold

i thought i was really into movies but it turns out i just like eating snack foods in a reclining chair in a mostly-empty dark room.

sam henri gold

BREAKING: Republic of Gamers has officially joined NATO


@samhenrigold gotta winnow it down to the core business of industrial political manipulation before the next election

sam henri gold

Honestly I'm just hoping ChatGPT means the end of lorem ipsum overuse. Give it a theme, generate some paragraphs of varying lengths and you're balling.

Григорий Клюшников

I've been using for quite some time now, though it's Russian-only

Kisho Derrek

@samhenrigold that what I did a few months ago in one of the projects. And was a huge success, everybody left impressed of how precise that dummy text was.

sam henri gold

why do I support right to repair? simple: i want to upload my own MIDI files to my washing machine to play when it finishes a cycle without voiding my warranty

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