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sam henri gold

i feel the world lost something when we stopped being able to line up at a brick and mortar store to buy a boxed operating system on launch day

sam henri gold

they’re experiencing a joy i will never know

A candid photo of two people in an Apple Store, circa 2007. They’re both holding up a box of Mac OS X Leopard and giving the thumbs up.
sam henri gold

@SecurityWriter but you gotta imagine the windows 11 box would have REALLY nice corners

sam henri gold

@keir where’s that Lion physical USB key though? 🤔


@samhenrigold good question! I did have one but can’t find it anywhere. I guess I’ll have to get another!

Todd Thomas :ivory_logo:

@samhenrigold As someone who lined up to get those early OSes it wasn't as fun as that picture makes it out to be. They were probably over tired and a bit delirious from not eating/drinking for many hours.

Tyler 👋

@samhenrigold Still thinking about this Ventura retail packaging concept by @BasicAppleGuy

macOS Ventura retail packaging concept, featuring the default orange Ventura wallpaper on a svelte black-bordered box.
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