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if I had a lot more time I think I might write a book on my ideas about "adversarial automation".

The idea that the point of computers is to help the humans do their job faster and easier, and sometimes the computer or the software on it is the enemy in that battle.


because I see a lot of people approaching automation from this attitude of "software/sites should have APIs so that users can write software to automate it!"
and while that's not wrong, exactly, it's also not the attitude I think makes the most sense, you know?

We do not ask for access. We don't need to get permission to be able to automate our tasks.


Someone really needs to develop a lightweight VM container that we can stuff software in. Like, you know how you can buy DOS games on steam, and it just gives you dosbox preconfigured to play the game?

That, but for all software on all OSes

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@foone i'm not sure how useful this is outside of software as art

ime the biggest use case for "i want to run ancient software" is when you have ancient hardware, and virtualization famously does not work very well for that


@foone I encountered FlatHub last week because someone was saying how bad it was—but is that kind of thing what you’re talking about? (Note I know next to nothing about FlatHub, and I’m really asking to see if I understood the point of it in the first place.)


I love mid-80s Sony consumer AV tech design language.

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@foone it's like you have your own personal RoboCop to change your channels

Cory Carson

@foone I remember the cold metal feel of these. 10/10 would recommend again.


@foone This has unlocked childhood memories. I seem to even have a childhood memory of how this remote smells. I was not expecting that.


People who bought these m4 threaded rods also frequently bought these m3 lock nuts

these people were very disappointed

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Dan Wright

@foone these people made a follow-up trip to Home Depot


@foone I've been increasingly disappointed with Amazon's search, selection, shipping, and prices. If anyone has recommendations for other ways to get basic things delivered I'd love to know about it. I live a ways from town and prefer not to drive.


Someone on tumblr asked why 3.5" floppy disks seem so much more friendly (or "pleasant and edible" to use their terminology) than 5.25" floppy disks, so I wrote about it:

TL;DR: It's because Sony.

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@foone we used to call them "cookie disks"

itgrrl :donor:

@foone I love “the clicky thing that goes pyoing” & “the swooshy thing that goes snap” 😂


I'm a "full stack developer", in that my stack is full and if you try to push any more tasks on me I'm gonna overflow it and start corrupting my own memory

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Rob Carlson

@foone Mine's a LIFO stack and unfortunately you made your feature request back in February, so it might be a while


@foone Me with a tiny stack that overflows if I so much as try any task beyond my comfort zone

Chris Turnbow


If you overpush to my stack, I'm liable to pop, for sure...


So has anyone suggested the monumental bad idea of running an AI on the ethereum smart blockchain?

Like, chatgpt but every response costs you 230$

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Mike Spooner

@foone Monumentally *good* idea. Make it expensive, to kill it.

Marcel Waldvogel

@foone You mean, every token? 230M$ for the entire paragraph, maybe…

Григорий Клюшников

How many billions of weights is a minimally sensible LLM again? Good luck putting that into the blockchain. I like the spirit tho.


I've no longer got a job, and I'm also kinda completely broke.

So if anyone has a few extra dollars they can donate to help me, that'd be very appreciated.

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@foone I'm really sorry to hear this. I loved seeing your posts on my feed.

Could you post your paypal so that I can pay you directly?

David Vasandani

@foone Are you on any platforms that support reoccurring donations?

John Keller

@foone I’m very behind in reading my feed, so I just saw your news today. I hope that my donation helps, and that you can find a rewarding job. Thank you for your years of posts!


Do you ever spend a while making an image edit and then realize that the amount of time you spent on it is not remotely proportional to how amusing the resulting image is?

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@foone I actually have, but nothing on the order of this. Congratulations on the success of your efforts anyway, lol.


remember kids: the point of the html "class" attribute is to list out the explicit formatting of every element on your webpage.

CSS was supposed to split formatting from HTML! and it did.

now instead of horrible HTML like <font size="7" color="red">, we have CSS!
So our HTML can instead look like:
<div class="size-7 color-red">

note: you'll need to include a few hundred KB of CSS libraries to make this work properly, but that's the price we have to pay for elegance

remember kids: the point of the html "class" attribute is to list out the explicit formatting of every element on your webpage.

CSS was supposed to split formatting from HTML! and it did.

now instead of horrible HTML like <font size="7" color="red">, we have CSS!
So our HTML can instead look like:
<div class="size-7 color-red">

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Meowski's Catgirl Grooming Service
@foone that's the best part about it- when you hate your shitty web dev job, and your boss wants to change the color-red to blue, you just leave the color-red class everywhere and change it to blue in your stylesheet. problem solved.

and then we get webpages which look like this
<div class="class363737 class47593">


@foone some poor bastard who came up with tabindex or with the submit event on pressing enter cries softly in his beer.


I'm looking for a book I read in the 90s: The protagonist was a teenage boy who was actually a human-like alien with MIND POWERS. He came to earth to investigate a laboratory, which was full of other teenagers with psychic powers. There was some kind of "psychic fence" around the place to keep them from leaving, and it turned out the other kids didn't have natural powers, the Evil Doctor had implanted them with microchips in their brains to give them psychic powers.

EDIT: Found! See replies


At the end, they escaped, he took the other teens to his spaceship, and his mentor used his greater MIND POWERS to remove the chips from the other teen's brains.

Sophia :AAAAAA:

@foone this somewhat sounds like an arc of mob psycho 100 lol


Everyone's all excited about "room temperature superconductors" and it's very hard to make them, but has anyone considered just cooling the room to 30 K / -243 C?

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@foone help, our NMR text keep freezing solid on the way to the instrument

Григорий Клюшников

yes but "room temperature" probably means that the room is habitable but humans don't function very well when they are frozen


So apparently the answer to "How long does VGAPride take to compile on a 386 with 2mb of RAM?" is "GENERAL PROTECTION FAULT AT 09C7:0804"


yeah it runs out of ram early into flagdefs.cpp.

I'm not really surprised. that file is super-complicated.
I'd need to shard the CPP file to make this work. ugh, compiler partitioning


I love finding a function in a game that is literally just
void func(const char*){

No body. But it's called from 440 different places in the exe.

you can just smell the #IFDEF DEBUGMODE in the binary


found another one! this one is called 450 times in the codebase

but they didn't turn it off, they just let it output to the debugger. since most users aren't running a debugger, that goes nowhere


So my roommate bought that weird Hand386 portable PC that popped up on aliexpress. Let's tear it down (nondestructively for once, since I'm borrowing it).

#hand386 #teardown


first off, lemme get the spoilers out of the way: It's real, it runs DOS/Windows 95, and it can run Doom (badly) and VGAPride.


has no one documented the Wii libraries for handling Miis?
The RFL/RVL ones?



apparently the internal SDK library used for handling Miis is called RFL, for "Revolution FaceLib".


I'm thinking of getting one of those ultrawide monitors
not for gaming or anything
I'm just using ghidra a lot and I could use the horizontal screen space

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Quick Fastly

@foone a 21:9 display was life changing for me, very highly recommend. just about everything I've ever done that was made more convenient with the addition of another display is more convenient on a single 21:9


@foone ive gotten one for similar reasons, and would definitely recommend it. The additional screen space is really nice to have. Personally paired it with an old 4:3 monitor which i can put my browser on, while the ultrawide holds my main window and a terminal or two.


@foone ¿Do you have spare VGA monitors and a HDMI to VGA adapter?


uVar1 = (**(code **)(*(int *)(*(int *)(this + 4) + 0x28) + 0x20))
(*(int *)(this + 4),param_1->c_str);
(**(code **)(*(int *)(*(int *)(this + 4) + 0x28) + 0x24))(*(int *)(this + 4),uVar1,1);


if (this->field7_0x1c != (void *)0x0) {
memset(this->field7_0x1c,0xcb,this->field8_0x20 << 2);

what is this, secure free()? are you worried that people are going to hack into your Wii game?


oh sweet beezus. The setup-python github action checks if you're on linux, and then if you are, it checks if you're on 18.04, 20.04, 22.04.

So, you know, if you run any linux that's not named "*buntu", it will completely fail to work


I'm using fucking debian here! it's basically the same thing as ubuntu, but since the version name is wrong, NOPE


oh yeah. I love old designs that do helpful things like put all the chips in sockets.

put the SRAM in a socket, why not? is anyone ever gonna change it out? probably not!

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