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So has anyone suggested the monumental bad idea of running an AI on the ethereum smart blockchain?

Like, chatgpt but every response costs you 230$

Tobias Gies

@foone Foone. Words have power, you know that. A thousand Silicon Valley Techbros are twitching in their sleep at the moment and don't yet know why.

@foone Billionaires hate them! Try this One Weird Trick to Break Capitalism!

@foone yes, can’t wait to see it blow up in shambles


@foone the cat is already out of tho bag but to put it on the blockchain would be to shred the bag to peices

Simon Zerafa :donor: :verified:


Someone is bound to be trying some sort of Crypto/Blockchain NFT AI bollocks.

Project Chimira or Project Medusa would be good names for this.

When you have two bad useless ideas why not add a third one 🙂🤷‍♂️

Mike Spooner

@foone Monumentally *good* idea. Make it expensive, to kill it.

Marcel Waldvogel

@foone You mean, every token? 230M$ for the entire paragraph, maybe…

Григорий Клюшников

How many billions of weights is a minimally sensible LLM again? Good luck putting that into the blockchain. I like the spirit tho.

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