Hey! If you care deeply about the open web, I hope you’ll consider joining our team at Fastly. We get to support open source and good internet projects ranging from Scratch to Kubernetes, Watch Duty to Mastodon, Python to Perl, Ruby to Rust, and many, many more. We’ve committed nearly $100M in resources to making the Internet better, and helping to build healthy, sustainable communities. And we haven’t wavered one bit in our inclusive hiring policies. https://www.fastly.com/about/jobs/apply?gh_jid=6523073
@anildash Thank you for the periodic low key reminder (by being a great brand ambassador) that I need to commit to migrating fudge.org from Cloudflare to Fastly in 2025.
I hope you get a few good candidates. When I reached out to Fast Forward to ask about our open source stuff, I was blown off completely. Or fastly, I guess. I was added to the fastly marketing email list, though.
@anildash @molly0xfff
This reminds me in the 90's when users in the UK couldn't sign up for AOL if they lived in the naughty worded counties like Essex or Sussex. How times have clearly not changed.
@anildash@molly0xfff If your truth habit is affecting your life or the life of your family, help is available at Truph Social, where we can help you break the habit.
Get ready: in just about 2 hours, it’s Fastly ‘s first *ever* special event for developers. We’ll be talking about the exciting future of @glitchdotcom, the most-requested features you’ve wanted from @devs, and even some big surprises. Watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pgNjS1_kOW8
Today is the anniversary of the MOVE bombing. The only thing that’s changed is police are far more militarized, far more funded, and far less accountable, while their supporters fly a desecrated flag to explicitly endorse their violent attacks.
@anildash Agree, but I wish they'd run their own instance. Right now I have to trust that potus@threads.net's blue checkmark means something...and we've seen a history of blue checkmarks becoming less credible over time (thanks, Elon).
@anildash I am a big advocate for governments to create their own instances for representatives and agencies to get the word out. No need for a verified checkmark, and citizens won't be forced to interact with services we know to be harmful.
Hey! I don’t really talk about work much on here, but I’m super proud of what our team has been working on and am thrilled to share some highlights. First, we’ve been in the midst of building a whole new Glitch along with the community, and @jenn (celebrating *7 years* of leading our @glitchdotcom community!) has been hosting monthly code jams. This month: show us your blog! https://support.glitch.com/t/welcome-to-welcometomyblog-our-february-code-jam-prompt/65819
@anildash I am genuinely excited by the weight that Matt & Automattic are throwing behind ActivityPub. Not so much a breath of fresh air as gale-force winds.
I said 5 years ago when the teachers' strikes began, but we're at the crest of the biggest wave of labor organizing since WWII, and owners & execs can feel however the fuck they need to feel, but it's happening. The pop culture moment of actors joining in today will make this real to millions more who don't pay as close attention, but who do see what happens to stars they know.
@anildash UPS drivers are poised to strike this year too (friend of mine is one, they’re already practicing) which people will feel pretty quickly when their online orders stop arriving.
@anildash If this is the crest, it's pathetically weak. The studios' internal memos say they're happy to continue the writer's strike until the writers are homeless or dead. Without writers they don't need actors, either. They can just take their money and stocks and go home, secure in the knowledge that their class owns 90% of society and there's nothing the under-class can do about it.
I am feeling very “Doctor Manhattan sitting on the moon” about this moment of watching this generation of the social web die due to fascist tech tycoon brain wanting control so badly that they’ll kill their own platforms. These people.
@anildash in the end this is for the best.. moving control of these away from megalomaniacs with brain rot will be better for everyone long term. It will just be a slow process.
Okay, Mastodon friends, I rarely ask for amplification about my day job, but I personally pushed for my employer to make a big investment in enabling the fediverse, and I'd love for everyone to show that the support is appreciated. On June 28, you can join us for a (FREE!) hands-on conversation about how the Fastly team worked to support @Mastodon while the service was under a *massive* DDOS attack. Everyone who cares about scaling the fediverse should join: https://learn.fastly.com/security-mitigating-ddos-and-traffic-surges-with-mastodon@devs
Okay, Mastodon friends, I rarely ask for amplification about my day job, but I personally pushed for my employer to make a big investment in enabling the fediverse, and I'd love for everyone to show that the support is appreciated. On June 28, you can join us for a (FREE!) hands-on conversation about how the Fastly team worked to support @Mastodon while the service was under a *massive* DDOS attack. Everyone who cares about scaling the fediverse should join: https://learn.fastly.com/security-miti
Intellectual property law has fallen behind cultural practice in many ways over the last several years, and with the popularization of AI, that gap has only gotten bigger. The viral fake Drake song just revealed that Google is sitting on both sides of the divide, and @nilaypatel explains it brilliantly. https://www.theverge.com/2023/4/19/23689879/ai-drake-song-google-youtube-fair-use
@anildash@nilaypatel it really goes to show how we as a society are shifting to ask for forgiveness only if you're caught and claim non malicious intent and that makes it all ok
Back in the late 20th century, a lot of folks used to worry about "selling out". I thought that people who don't remember that era well might find it useful to have a refresher on the concept, as well as a look at how it's been reinvented (and... improved?) in a modern context. https://www.anildash.com/2023/03/14/what-was-selling-out/
One sign that you're not making a technology for the right reasons is when you have to fucking lie about it, or misrepresent others in order to compete. For example, Nostr (the protocol which currently enjoys zero million daily active users) says of Mastodon, "There are no clear incentives to run servers" — proving that this is, indeed, a protocol created by people who have no idea how to make friends.
Other highlights on their website, the list of reasons we need new technologies intentionally excludes mention of wide-scale, intentional, targeted harassment and abuse. In fact, enabling these hate campaigns is an explicit goal of the platform, which they call "censorship resistance". https://nostr.com/
At its peak, there were ~5000 developers building on the Ethereum blockchain, according to enthusiasts' own estimates, and this was easily the most popular platform for blockchain devs. By contrast, over in the fediverse, Mastodon *alone* has over 40k stars on GitHub (indicating individual devs who are following the project) and that's just one project within the overall explosion of innovation happening in every facet of the fediverse — without any crypto bribes or scams driving any of it.
Some would quibble with the stats that I'm comparing here, and that's fine and valid, but I will note that nobody replied with a correction on a blockchain-based platform. 😇
If you are a person who is new to the fediverse, or who’s returning to explore after a while away, I can affirmatively say (as someone who has been here right from the start) that we’re all glad to have you, and excited to see what you share, and inspired by the new ideas you have for what’s possible here.
@anildash Thank you for the periodic low key reminder (by being a great brand ambassador) that I need to commit to migrating fudge.org from Cloudflare to Fastly in 2025.
I hope you get a few good candidates. When I reached out to Fast Forward to ask about our open source stuff, I was blown off completely. Or fastly, I guess. I was added to the fastly marketing email list, though.
True story.
>> @anildash <<
Offices are headquartered in San Francisco, California, USA
When I say, Mastodon is using a US-based company for web hosting and CDN Services, this is what I mean.
#Mastodon #Fedi #Fediverse #ActivityPub