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Anil Dash

One sign that you're not making a technology for the right reasons is when you have to fucking lie about it, or misrepresent others in order to compete. For example, Nostr (the protocol which currently enjoys zero million daily active users) says of Mastodon, "There are no clear incentives to run servers" — proving that this is, indeed, a protocol created by people who have no idea how to make friends.

Anil Dash

Other highlights on their website, the list of reasons we need new technologies intentionally excludes mention of wide-scale, intentional, targeted harassment and abuse. In fact, enabling these hate campaigns is an explicit goal of the platform, which they call "censorship resistance".

Anil Dash

always the same dudes who think "there is no clear incentive to run a community" if it's not solely about profits are those who think [any kind of relationships] are owed to them solely on the basis of having pretended to be a Nice Guy for 10 minutes.

Fifi Lamoura

@anildash It's the same "nobody would ever do anything if they weren't being paid" people...


@fifilamoura @anildash
And yet there's a whole field within psychology that studies that very thing. Who knew?


@fifilamoura @anildash that line of thinking always drives me insane. Hobbyists and enthusiasts do tons and tons of stuff without being paid. And that’s before you consider all the unpaid labor at home that makes society work…

Fifi Lamoura

@Ashton @anildash Yes and while we all have to figure out a way to be able to survive in capitalism, a there are certainly lots of bullshit jobs out there, there's also work that people do because it's intrinsically satisfying or interesting to them. People often just don't want to do bullshit jobs, the type of jobs the "people only do things for money" often create.


@Ashton @fifilamoura @anildash I'm reminded of Sandel's book
"What Money Can't Buy: The Moral Limits of Markets" which is a general-audience book on the topic of where financializing things often undermines intrinsic motivation.


It's a character defect when everything is transactional.


@anildash Are these tech bros not old enough to have used forums? That sort of software is literally provided for the benefit of a community. In some cases, it's the sole reason for that community existing.


@anildash "There is no clear incentive"...

Yes. Correct. For those dudes.

Ask them to define a clear incentive and weep.

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