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Anil Dash

Okay, Mastodon friends, I rarely ask for amplification about my day job, but I personally pushed for my employer to make a big investment in enabling the fediverse, and I'd love for everyone to show that the support is appreciated. On June 28, you can join us for a (FREE!) hands-on conversation about how the Fastly team worked to support @Mastodon while the service was under a *massive* DDOS attack. Everyone who cares about scaling the fediverse should join: @devs

Eric the Cerise


Presumptuously throwing in a #MastoAdmin hashtag for ya.

And thanks.

@Mastodon @devs

Tyler Mumford

@anildash I started to sign up, but the form gives me “corporate sales” vibes, and I try to avoid those. 🤷‍♂️ I hope it’s a good webinar.

Anil Dash

@tylermumford yeah, fair. The actual event is not that, but have definitely shared with the team that the signup form isn't really the energy that this community goes for.

Jeremy Burge

@anildash a boost in return seems like the least we can do

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