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Anil Dash

How is the OpenAI board gonna fire Sam Altman just because he gave answers that sounded plausible but weren't actually accurate?

ryan onstott

@anildash let's make it general and fire every software engineer ever


@anildash genuinely hope ChatGPT wrote the announcement


@anildash did he respond with a level of certitude that was practically robotic? If he’s improperly prompted he may hallucinate, you can’t really tell.



Another case of garbage-in-garbage-out?

Dr. Kevin P. Taylor

@anildash I’m still trying to figure out how this non-profit / for-profit organization is supposed to work. Hopefully the new CEO will figure it out.


@ktaylor @anildash They stopped being a non-profit in late 2018/early 2019 and transferred everyone over to a "limited profit" organization. Whatever that means.

Dr. Kevin P. Taylor

@endrift @anildash Yeah, it’s pretty convoluted. But my understanding is the for profit is owned by the 501 (c)(3) but the first few trillion dollars of profits must go to the for profit shareholders or some such and only then to the non-profit, pro rata.


@ktaylor @anildash They didn't disband the 501(c)(3)?? They migrated all of the employees over to the LLC, but some remained on both for administrative reasons. I tuned out shortly after the transition since I was too busy recovering from my abusive ex and wound up quitting in early 2019, only a few months after the LLC happened.

Dr. Kevin P. Taylor

@endrift @anildash Thanks for sharing your experience — quiet something to have experienced from the inside. Also I hope you are safe now.

Phil Nelson

@anildash Next thing you know they’ll be requiring CEOs to DO WORK. Madness.

Obot 50549535 ❄️

I feel the entire basis of my career slipping out from under me.

Mrs.Alice :verified_twit:✨

@anildash the amount of time it took for me to get this 🫠

Matthew Clapham

I originally read the news as that the AI had fired him. Proper 'Skynet self-aware' stuff.
How reassuringly dull the reality of boardroom infighting is in comparison.


@anildash Could be the next President with that kind of history.



Obviously because Altman was competing with their own product.

Henry Braun

@anildash ...with a college-educated diction that lent him an air credibility, no doubt


@anildash he's going to be assigned more consumer-facing tasks that align with his talents.

The Animal and the Machine

@anildash @Gargron
I believe that’s he was having a hallucination.

Although I realise now that that was your point.


@anildash i think this is the beginning of the end of openai


@anildash We live in a world that runs off controlling people through misinformation and oppression. God forbid someone actually tells the truth? 🤔



That puts "large language model" into perspective.


@anildash Are we entirely sure Altman isn't an AI android, based on his inaccurate responses? 🤔

Tom Resing

@anildash possible answer to the surprise, indeed

Shomara 🦫

@anildash "I wasn't lying, I was hallucinating" repeated Sam while being escorted out of the building.


@anildash I asked ChatGPT for an explanation... it seems as plausible as anything (maybe moreso).

Screenshot of a ChatGPT response:
In the whimsical world of alternate realities, where facts are more flexible than a contortionist at a circus, the OpenAI board convened a secret meeting in a room filled with floating question marks. Sam Altman, unaware of this surreal tribunal, continued to provide answers that sounded plausible but were, unbeknownst to him, whimsically inaccurate.

During the clandestine gathering, board members, wearing monocles and top hats, shook their heads in disapproval while sipping on cups of paradox-infused tea. One board member, with a monocle that doubled as a truth detector, declared, "Altman's answers are more fanciful than a unicorn riding a unicycle. It's time for a change!"

In a surprising twist, they handed Altman a golden parachute made of metaphorical ambiguity and gently escorted him towards the exit, whispering riddles about precision and accuracy. As the door closed behind him, Altman shrugged and muttered, "Well, I guess the truth is a matter of perspective, isn't it?"

And so, in this whimsical tale, Sam Altman's tenure as CEO of OpenAI came to an end, not with a bang, but with a chuckle and a head-scratching emoji.
Mercurius Goldstein

I hate myself for not thinking of this take, and it’s all your fault

Mercurius Goldstein

Also [wipes away manly tear] I’m proud of you, son.

Juha Autero

@anildash Maybe they realized that means they can give the job to Chat-GPT.

Pseudo Nym


Well, at least they have a ready made replacement, ready to go.

Andreas Müller 🖥️


No, he was fired because he said something accurate: "..ChatGPT is not the way to superintelligence"




In retrospect, that all language users are inherently bullshit artists makes a ton of sense.



@anildash Maybe they’re going to automate the position.

Chadee the Dream Witch 🌕 🌊

@anildash He wasn't making them imaginary AI results or fantastic AI based profits fast enough.

I don't think anyone will fare well in that position, it's barely above snake oil sales.

Sumukha S

@anildash This is in regards to what? (Never mind. Got it)


@anildash there is enough Palace Intrigue packed into the respective statements of everyone involved that suggests that whatever happened actually will probably not. see the light of day anytime soon. It's got to be something involving a lot of cash affecting behavior.


"While we have safeguards, Sam may give you inaccurate information. He's not intended to give advice."


@anildash he used ChatGPT to create his answers, perhaps the product is no good?


@anildash Because he is more expensive than asking an LLM - it's always about money

Oliver Schafeld

"I apologize for the confusion, but you're actually no longer employed here…"



@anildash Not plausible answers but answers optimized on getting a favorable standing with the board. Sadly optimization on factual correctness didn't make it into the sprint.

Mal 甄/kalessin/Peri

@anildash @themodestokid maybe they could fire him based on his sister's statements about him.

@edithmair1 💙💛

@anildash "because he gave answers that sounded plausible but weren't actually accurate" - KI does exactly the same.

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