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Anil Dash

I said 5 years ago when the teachers' strikes began, but we're at the crest of the biggest wave of labor organizing since WWII, and owners & execs can feel however the fuck they need to feel, but it's happening. The pop culture moment of actors joining in today will make this real to millions more who don't pay as close attention, but who do see what happens to stars they know.

Loukas Christodoulou

@anildash yes, the gods of Olympus are joining the fight

Michael Stanclift

@anildash UPS drivers are poised to strike this year too (friend of mine is one, they’re already practicing) which people will feel pretty quickly when their online orders stop arriving.

@anildash If this is the crest, it's pathetically weak. The studios' internal memos say they're happy to continue the writer's strike until the writers are homeless or dead. Without writers they don't need actors, either. They can just take their money and stocks and go home, secure in the knowledge that their class owns 90% of society and there's nothing the under-class can do about it.
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