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35 posts total
Dare Obasanjo

I continue to be fascinated by the fact that when Jack Dorsey looks back at his time at Twitter, his only regret is that it was technically possible for him to ban the Nazis so people nagged him to do so.

So now his ideal social network is one where the moderators canโ€™t ban Nazis.

Jason Yip

@carnage4life I'm wondering if this is why Twitter was always bad at coming with useful features themselves. Their overall concept of reality was off.

Alex White-Robinson

@carnage4life Must be great to be totally insulated from the tiniest consequences of all of your decisions. Utterly incapable of reflection and learning. Completely surrounded by people who give you endless respect, praise, and never criticism. Absolutely not a recipe for uncaring idealogues, convinced they're right in all respects.

Dare Obasanjo

Laying off an entire team because their manager wouldn't lay of a large chunk of the team to cut costs is the sort of penny wise, pound foolish portrayal of tech you'd expect from HBO's Silicon Valley not a company that the market calls one of the "Magnificent Seven".

Dare Obasanjo

It's incredible what you learn when you treat your employees like adults.

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zariweya ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ’ป๐Ÿฆ

@carnage4life so workers prefer quality time with his family / children / friends instead of free juice at the office... No shit Sherlock.

Dare Obasanjo

After thinking more about AI making programming obsolete.

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Anshuman Tripathi

@carnage4life This is what Iโ€™ve been trying to explain to many friends. I think it's just the job market downturn and the anxiety fueling sentiments like these.


@carnage4life If Programmers are replaced by AI I will simply rebrand as a Debugger and quadruple my rate.

Rocky Lhotka ๐Ÿ‚ ๐Ÿค˜๐Ÿ––

@carnage4life There's a difference between a coder and a developer. I agree with you that developers aren't threatened, but I do worry about people who are just coders. Folks that don't bring business insights and other non-technical skills to bear.

Dare Obasanjo

Study of codebases over a 4 year period show Github Copilot lowers the quality of code over time by increasing the likelihood of bugs being introduced and copy & pasted code.

This is a healthy counterpoint to studies that show improved productivity.

Fast. Cheap. Good. Pick Two.

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Peter Amstutz

Save two hours writing boilerplate, spend ten hours debugging incredibly subtle bugs in production, sounds like a win!

Yea, the fact that LLMs just inherently produce "plausible" results rather than "correct" results means producing bugs that are just that much harder to spot.

Lafncow :blobcatcoffee:

@carnage4life I would not be surprised if these conclusions are true, but this "study" is very flimsy. They compare total metrics across all measured codebases between 2023 and the prior years, assume that all differences are due to Copilot use, and then extrapolate conclusions. I am definitely an AI skeptic, but this is a marketing piece, not a research paper.

Dare Obasanjo

I wonder how long it will take companies to figure out that if you just put a thin front end on ChatGPT as your customer service bot then youโ€™ll have a bad time as frustrated customers jailbreak into being a regular ChatGPT prompt? ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿพโ€โ™‚๏ธ

Nolan B

@carnage4life Longer than I think anyone, including the people doing this, would like

Ramiro Salas :veritrek:

@carnage4life this is not that different from exposing DB interfaces on the Internet. Folks need to start thinking about security frameworks like NVIDIAโ€™s NeMo Guardrails from the get go.

Dare Obasanjo

Both the EU and UK antitrust regulators are investigating whether Microsoft owning 49% of OpenAI is effectively a way to get around antitrust rules while still controlling the company.

The answer is obviously "yes" but the question is if anyone can point to a broken rule.


@carnage4life If they canโ€™t, theyโ€™ll create a new one.

Dare Obasanjo

This story of North Koreaโ€™s nuclear program being funded by hacking crypto reminds me of why Silicon Valley VCs infatuation with crypto annoyed me so much.

While there were techies who naively bought the hype that the blockchain and decentralized would magically solve a host of problems, VCs like a16z were never that naive.

Crypto allowed them to create a new financial system with no regulations. Insider trading? Go ahead. Money laundering? Thatโ€™s just decentralization.

This story of North Koreaโ€™s nuclear program being funded by hacking crypto reminds me of why Silicon Valley VCs infatuation with crypto annoyed me so much.

While there were techies who naively bought the hype that the blockchain and decentralized would magically solve a host of problems, VCs like a16z were never that naive.

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:gnu: bonifartius ๐’‚ผ๐’„„

> Crypto allowed them to create a new financial system with no regulations.

as it should be.

Matt Sicker ืžืชืŸ ื‘ืŸ ืคื˜ืจ (WIP)

@carnage4life I can only begin to imagine how many wars and deaths have been funded through shitcoin markets. Iran, Russia, โ€ฆ

Iron Bug
@carnage4life I warned ppl that would be like this. and it's generally a financial pyramid, that's why I never used it. but people are attracted by glowy sticker "decentralized" and are ready to exhange real earned values for some monopoly money that finance terrorists and dirty trafficing.
Dare Obasanjo

If youโ€™re ever wondering why it took me so long to reply to your email

Dare Obasanjo

Bruce Schneier shares the depressing conclusion that while the internet enabled mass surveillance, AI enables mass spying.

Surveillance is the collection of data. Our phones track our location. Our credit cards track our purchases. Etc.

Spying is understanding what you are doing and saying. This used to be expensive and now is cheap.

Yesterday I shared that Mountain Dew watches every Twitch stream and will message every streamer who drinks their soda on stream.

Bruce Schneier shares the depressing conclusion that while the internet enabled mass surveillance, AI enables mass spying.

Surveillance is the collection of data. Our phones track our location. Our credit cards track our purchases. Etc.

Spying is understanding what you are doing and saying. This used to be expensive and now is cheap.



You've been an outspoken critic of Crypto as well.

Are you still against #cryptocurrency as an investment?

Dare Obasanjo

One of the signs we give rich tech bros too much airtime is that we donโ€™t spend a bunch of time worrying about if scientists in a lab are going to create a disease that destroys humanity even though thereโ€™s a credible narrative this is what happened with COVID.

Yet we have the media and government spending urgent time worrying about big tech or startups creating Skynet in their quest to automate white collar jobs.

Weโ€™ve fallen for a tech bro grift even dumber than NFTs.

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Andy Nortrup we do have real action to manage the risk of biological weapons and pandemics. Maybe we should have more, but we have a lot of public health infrastructure for that.

Dare Obasanjo

Looking back and forth between these two screenshots will have you deliriously screaming โ€œtech is a meritocracyโ€ if you do it for a few minutes.


I mean, sure it is, we just failed to understand what merit's being assessed: It's #bullshit. Neumann is clearly extremely good at bullshit.


@carnage4life It all depends on what said meritocracy is based on. Neumann is clearly gifted at fraud and lying

Dare Obasanjo

Andrew Ng a professor at Stanford who taught machine learning to people like Sam Altman of Open AI and who also co-founded Google Brain has called bullshit on AI doomerism.

Ng states that the idea that artificial intelligence could lead to the extinction of humanity is a lie being spread by big tech in the hope of triggering heavy regulation that would shut down competition in the AI market.

Crippling Open Source models is one outcome of this effort thatโ€™s succeeding.

Andrew Ng a professor at Stanford who taught machine learning to people like Sam Altman of Open AI and who also co-founded Google Brain has called bullshit on AI doomerism.

Ng states that the idea that artificial intelligence could lead to the extinction of humanity is a lie being spread by big tech in the hope of triggering heavy regulation that would shut down competition in the AI market.

carbon offsets are BS โ˜•๏ธ

@carnage4life I (being totally unqualified to comment on such things) think heโ€™s right for this iteration.

REAL AGI though? Idk.

David Coletta

@carnage4life I think itโ€™s a both/and situation. Itโ€™s true that big tech wants regulatory capture AND itโ€™s true that AI poses existential threats.

Dare Obasanjo

Itโ€™s so strange to live in a country where protecting kids means preventing them from reading books that talk about racism or going on Instagram and seeing LGBTQ content but itโ€™s not banning assault rifles or providing free school lunches.

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smarter than a waffle

@carnage4life it only makes sense if you are willing to realize that all existing human systems are designed to generate maximum misery.


@carnage4life If by strange you mean....that just means the vast majority of americans who let that happen deep down WANT their own kids dead. Then sure.

Also to add. America is majority white.

You are framing. What kids and what LGBTQ content? I've for example seen what is diplayed at pride marches and there is no need to put this kind of sexually explicit material in front of small kids, even if it was between men and women. Be precise and I suspect your argument falls apart
Dare Obasanjo

AI image detectors are labeling real images from the conflict between Israel and Hamas as faked which some people are calling a second layer of disinformation.

This cuts across two of my regular themes. First of all, systems that claim to detect AI generated text or images are snake oil. They are guessing and will often guess wrong.

Secondly, itโ€™s difficult to figure out what the facts are in the middle of a war. Treating it as a tech or moderation problem isnโ€™t enough

AI image detectors are labeling real images from the conflict between Israel and Hamas as faked which some people are calling a second layer of disinformation.

This cuts across two of my regular themes. First of all, systems that claim to detect AI generated text or images are snake oil. They are guessing and will often guess wrong.

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Ian Hecht

@carnage4life This is part of Steve Bannon's "flood the zone with shit" strategy... Not necessarily to make people believe the lie (though that's a bonus), but to make people distrust the truth and give up caring.

@carnage4life another reason to dispel the efficacy of "AI detectors".

Jasper ๐Ÿ‰

@carnage4life ten 90% accurate fake detectors and a motivated reasoner...

edit: also it's a black box. The machine learning could be investigated, probably,(tho difficult..) but not if it's running on someone-elses server..

Dare Obasanjo

Future generations are going to look at this generationโ€™s laxity with genetic data and privacy in the sane way we look back at smoking, Jim Crow laws and fossil fuels.

You canโ€™t change your genetic data like you can a password and once it gets out it not only affects you both your relatives and your offspring.

You carry a gene for a chronic disease thatโ€™s inherited? Now insurance companies know that about you, your kids and grandkids.

Unbelievable privacy self own.

Future generations are going to look at this generationโ€™s laxity with genetic data and privacy in the sane way we look back at smoking, Jim Crow laws and fossil fuels.

You canโ€™t change your genetic data like you can a password and once it gets out it not only affects you both your relatives and your offspring.

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@carnage4life nobody couldโ€™ve seen this coming /s

:blahaj: Why Not Zoidberg? ๐Ÿฆ‘

@carnage4life sad to see that the idea of Americans have given up the fight for a sane public healthcare policy so the assumption is their grandkids will suffer from this.

Gen X-Wing

@carnage4life Healthy insurance is immoral and unethical imho.

Dare Obasanjo

Welcome to the cycle of generative AI making search worse.

Quora uses ChatGPT which hallucinates an answer to a nonsense question.

Google Search picks up this nonsense answer from Quora which has high page rank and treats it as an instant answer.

Dare Obasanjo

The Saudi Arabian government sentences a man to death for his tweets and YouTube.

Given Saudi Arabia is a major investor in Twitter/X, I wonder if weโ€™ll hear from Elon Musk or Linda Yaccarino about how one of their users is being sentenced to death for exercising their free speech rights on their platform by their second largest investor.

Dare Obasanjo

This is why we canโ€™t have nice things.

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