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Dare Obasanjo

AI image detectors are labeling real images from the conflict between Israel and Hamas as faked which some people are calling a second layer of disinformation.

This cuts across two of my regular themes. First of all, systems that claim to detect AI generated text or images are snake oil. They are guessing and will often guess wrong.

Secondly, it’s difficult to figure out what the facts are in the middle of a war. Treating it as a tech or moderation problem isn’t enough



Of course, IT solutions are already maturing as a weapon for disinformation, why not AI...

Yrjänä Rankka 🌻

@carnage4life This further reinforces the real target effect of disinformation as tool of propaganda - it’s not to make one believe in something, but to make one believe nothing.


@ghard @carnage4life That approach seems to have worked especially well in Russia.


@carnage4life I recall one of such detectors concluded that the bible is ChatGPT-generated (and with no less than 100% certainty) 😆

Chris Gioran 💔


Ah. Tech bros assuming they can do the work of journalists simply by looking at a picture.

Who needs context, sources, intuition and knowledge.

If you look at the pixels hard enough, some sort of truth should eventually emerge.

CauseOfBSOD :fediverse: to detect if something is ai-generated or not, flip a coin. according to my dice roll, its probably more accurate



I love this news segment that debunks viral photos and videos.

France24 has English & French versions of Truth or Fake where they take a viral photo or video and use giant digital maps and infographics to show where it came from and the methods they use to confirm their veracity, determine origins, and tell if it's real or fake.
99% of the time it's old repurposed video or completely fake.


I love this news segment that debunks viral photos and videos.

France24 has English & French versions of Truth or Fake where they take a viral photo or video and use giant digital maps and infographics to show where it came from and the methods they use to confirm their veracity, determine origins, and tell if it's real or fake.
99% of the time it's old repurposed video or completely fake.

Ciarán McNally

@carnage4life Second layer #disinformation is definitely a big concern, there's a weird cognitive dissonance that enables people to be easier fooled by disinformation posing as something countering disinformation.

Another potential that gets dismissed is the second order impact of purposefully weak disinfo.

Outrage at weak arguments or info can create a flood of people commenting with counter arguments, the impact effectively acting like a ddos amplification attack. People go with the flow.

Ian Hecht

@carnage4life This is part of Steve Bannon's "flood the zone with shit" strategy... Not necessarily to make people believe the lie (though that's a bonus), but to make people distrust the truth and give up caring.

@carnage4life another reason to dispel the efficacy of "AI detectors".

Jasper 🍉

@carnage4life ten 90% accurate fake detectors and a motivated reasoner...

edit: also it's a black box. The machine learning could be investigated, probably,(tho difficult..) but not if it's running on someone-elses server..

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