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Dare Obasanjo

After thinking more about AI making programming obsolete.

Dare Obasanjo

To get the level of specificity needed to ask a computer to perform tasks will need dedicated jargon not just regular English. Which over time you will shorten with abbreviations and symbols for conciseness.

And then you’d have reinvented programming languages.

Ben Delarre

@carnage4life agreed, English is a bad enough language for writing specs in that humans then interpret let alone machines!

I suspect what you will be able to accomplish though is customisation or configuration of existing systems that do things close to what's needed. Essentially optimization or configuration tasks, modular assembly of functionality, process workflow etc. Which to be fair is a large amount of the work most software developers do today.

Anshuman Tripathi

@carnage4life This is what I’ve been trying to explain to many friends. I think it's just the job market downturn and the anxiety fueling sentiments like these.


@carnage4life If Programmers are replaced by AI I will simply rebrand as a Debugger and quadruple my rate.

Rocky Lhotka 🍂 🤘🖖

@carnage4life There's a difference between a coder and a developer. I agree with you that developers aren't threatened, but I do worry about people who are just coders. Folks that don't bring business insights and other non-technical skills to bear.

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