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Dare Obasanjo

It's incredible what you learn when you treat your employees like adults.


@carnage4life With the money I save on commuting, I can by a shitload of snacks.

Wesley Cook ⚡🚲

@carnage4life As a parent, I can't go back to commuting everyday. It would just make my life so much more difficult for no good reason. Kid pickups and dropoffs, getting groceries, making dinner every night...all things that are made so much simpler by not having to commute.

I'm okay with occasionally being in person, but I will turn down every single interview that requires in person work.

Tom Bellin :picardfacepalm:

@carnage4life It's amazing how open-minded CEOs can be about WFH when they don't have 10-year leases/multi-million dollar mortgages to worry about.

Shay Thompson

@carnage4life Me sitting in my car during a two hour commute: boy I can't wait for my free banana


@carnage4life I liked the interview on decoder and he seems very thoughtful. I did think he glossed over the drawbacks of going fully remote though. I don’t question that they made the right trade off, it seems like they did. It’s just that meeting physically frequently has benefits.

These might be outweighed by other factors, but for our SaaS company of 50 people based in Sweden, we found in general that being in the office 2-3 days per week is a good trade off.


@doculmus @carnage4life meeting in person has some benefits. Then one can discuss the frequency and the value of the benefits depending on people and team organisation.

Currently in a company of 70+ people fully remote (incently also a saas originally nased i Sweden). This has been running like a charm for years with one or two in person meeting a year.

It will be very difficult to convince me that going 2/3 days a week in an office would make us more productive...


@gdupont @carnage4life it might very well not, not questioning that. Just that it’s a trade off. I specifically think that you are making culture, onboarding and being junior harder. However you make lots of things easier such as recruiting and of course skipping on commute.

I wouldn’t want to work at a company that is fully remote even though I have three kids and lots of logistics, I’d miss the social aspect of the office too much (I know this since we were fully remote for two years…)

zariweya 🇪🇺💻🦝

@carnage4life so workers prefer quality time with his family / children / friends instead of free juice at the office... No shit Sherlock.

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