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Dare Obasanjo

Andrew Ng a professor at Stanford who taught machine learning to people like Sam Altman of Open AI and who also co-founded Google Brain has called bullshit on AI doomerism.

Ng states that the idea that artificial intelligence could lead to the extinction of humanity is a lie being spread by big tech in the hope of triggering heavy regulation that would shut down competition in the AI market.

Crippling Open Source models is one outcome of this effort that’s succeeding.

carbon offsets are BS ☕️

@carnage4life I (being totally unqualified to comment on such things) think he’s right for this iteration.

REAL AGI though? Idk.

David Coletta

@carnage4life I think it’s a both/and situation. It’s true that big tech wants regulatory capture AND it’s true that AI poses existential threats.

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