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Dare Obasanjo

Welcome to the cycle of generative AI making search worse.

Quora uses ChatGPT which hallucinates an answer to a nonsense question.

Google Search picks up this nonsense answer from Quora which has high page rank and treats it as an instant answer.


@mogul @carnage4life the internet was always like this, they just finally worked out scale


@selfisekai @carnage4life Bitch, you just ain't trying hard enough. Them eggs with run with the appropriate pressure applied.


@selfisekai @carnage4life it doesn’t matter if they fix one query because if you rephrase it slightly it still gives the wrong answer.

If you ask why eggs melt it’s too polite to correct you.

Amir E. Aharoni

@selfisekai @carnage4life What happened to Quora is, in a way, more tragic than what happened to Twitter, which is ruined, but has replacements—Facebook, Mastodon, etc. Quora doesn't. As a general Q&A site, it was second to none. For some reason, in 2018, the company went all in on unnecessary ML experiments and other pointless features. They possibly improved some short-term metrics, but the parts that made the site good are hopelessly ruined. Now there is no good general Q&A site :(

Jason Miller

@carnage4life "Yes, but can the internet be *melted*? Let's Google it!" 🤔🫠

Darryl Ramm

@carnage4life Corporate autoerotic asphyxiation. AI is sexy, and Google might well kill themselves trying to have a good time with it…


@carnage4life next rather than correcting the mistake, they'll be redefining the word "melt" 😂


@carnage4life I thought it was GPT 3 that was trained on Quora, which is full of crap. Google ranks Quora higher because Quora is paying Google. Basically, Quora is a root of all evils.


@carnage4life I think I've never seen a company work so long and effectively at making their own core product objectively worse than Google has.

Google could, today, make a massive improvement to their product simply by going back to their 2005 search.

April King

@ucblockhead @carnage4life it would have to go back to 2005 content as well, 2005 Google would be absolutely murdered by SEO and AI nonsense.

Dr. Juande Santander-Vela

@carnage4life this might actually be good for internet netizens… if they realize that nothing on the internet (or any other media) can be taken at face value…


@juandesant @carnage4life nah we’ll just throw out our eggs because we think they're broken


@carnage4life I'd bet Quora and search results end up as input to ChatGPT and others too. Not just cyclical but spreading hallucinations.


I think I can smell brain cells melting.

unixjunk1e 🌵


Time to go back to scraping the parts of the Web myself that matter to me, and using Xapian to roll my own search engine -

Rollin' like its the early 2000's again...

Local disk storage is cheaper now. CPU flex and bandwidth is waaay better too.

Nuncio Bitis ✷ ✅ 🏳️‍🌈

@carnage4life One simple question just invalidated all of AI. I love it.

Nuncio Bitis ✷ ✅ 🏳️‍🌈

@carnage4life Someone literally has to ask AI “Is this the first time you’ve been pregnant?”


@carnage4life this is the kind of stuff that the "Dead Internet" folks would point at


@carnage4life somehow, when human pranksters supply bullshit answers on Quora, google is immune to that, but falls every time for ChatGPT prank? That line of reasoning is a good proof that, indeed, we need AI to come and sort things out in this messed up society.


@carnage4life As an added benefit, microwaving an egg is a FANTASTIC way to get horrific burns on your face because doing so makes eggs explode.

I am Jack's Lost 404


I'm interested in how many iterations it will take for the bullshit machine (chatgpt) to ingest its own product before the output is just gray entropy goop.

Veirling | #MMIWG

@carnage4life I mean wait until they diagnose your illness. It's here and I'm not fvcking joking. Let's steal some random sh1t off the interwebs and run it through some dogsh1t statistical analysis. What could go wrong? 🙃

David Conrad

@veirling @carnage4life I recently heard a talk where the CTO of a company excitedly related a story about how generative AI diagnosed some kid's illness


@carnage4life the Internet will connect us they said. We'll share knowledge they said. It'll be democratizing they said.

David Conrad

@carnage4life they automated the Citogenesis XKCD comic

Osma A

Ars Technica > Quora - apparently also in SEO juice.

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