“I’ve worked for the Washington Post since 2008 as an editorial cartoonist. … I’ve never had a cartoon killed because of who or what I chose to aim my pen at. Until now.” https://anntelnaes.substack.com/p/why-im-quitting-the-washington-post?utm_campaign=post&triedRedirect=true
@w7voa #Alt4You
A statue of someone (from shoulders down) in a suit and tie, with tiny hands, stands on a dais marked with laurel wreath reliefs. Near the steps of the dais, three figures present bags labeled “$” towards the statue, with two of them on bended knee. A fourth figure, kneeling lower, offers up a lipstick. Further along, Mickey Mouse prostrates himself before the statue.
@w7voa #BoycottWaPo #BoycottAmazon #BoycottBezos #EatTheRich #PunchAnOligarch
Protection money.
The mob made them an offer they could not refuse I guess…