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Steve Herman

“Musk’s acquisition of Twitter is now, for all intents and purposes, a multilevel marketing scheme.”

Doctor Biobrain

@w7voa I take it as a given that Musk’s first round of payments will be substantially higher than what he’ll pay out going forward; both because he intentionally inflated the amounts to get attention and because he can’t really afford to pay them anything.

But when you overpay someone to get them to work and slowly reduce payments it only backfires because they can see the amounts going down and it just makes them feel ripped off.

Wayne’s The Name!!!😁

@biobrain @w7voa There were only a few people that even got a payment. It's a ruse to get people to buy blue checkmark. Look at all the requirements.


@w7voa one day soon he will be as revered as betsy devos

The Icarian

And pretty dumb scheme at that.
Paying right winder to to spew hate and lies isn't a winning business model no matter how you look at it.

don albertson

@w7voa You need people who paid to become verified. Seems odd.


@dga12 @w7voa
Musk started Hyperloop to ensure cars not trains took off in California.
Why anyone thinks he bought a bankrupting Twitter either to turn it around or make money flabbergasts me.
Every platform for organizing societal change around the world is being poisoned.
Every platform associated with a color revolution, every platform that facilitated BLM…
They are taking your poster board and paint.

Nick Stefanski

@w7voa “something else to keep in mind is Musk often has not told the truth and is making up Twitter policy as he goes.”

Quite the understatement! 😂



What is old is new again. The KKK was an MLM too — kluckers got a cut of the dues of everybody they recruited and their downlines too.


@w7voa One thing that's a little odd about the Twitter payouts is that many of the recipients saw fit to advertise that fact en mass. Maybe it's just a matter of trolls trolling?

Wayne’s The Name!!!😁

@w7voa Yep, if you do the math about the content payout, most won't break even, few would get a substantial amount.

But they all would have bought the blue checkmark.

SeaTurt1e ™️ 𓆉

@w7voa so he's saying "If you pay me $8 a month, I will pay you back... something?"

I Am Not A Crook

@w7voa Folks are on Twitter for the same reasons they smoke and drink.


@w7voa seems to be right up his alley along with doge coin and other scams

Raphael Lullis


This article stretches the truth so much, it's making me defend
Elmo. Shameful.

- The revenue to pay creators isn't from other subscribers, but from ads that are pushed through on their timeline.

- The "catch" is that to be a creator you need to have the $8 bluecheck, but this is not a ponzi game of any kind.

- You really couldn't find anyone that is not "far-right" and received money? I could, and it didn't take a lot of work.

- The program has been announced quite long ago.


This article stretches the truth so much, it's making me defend
Elmo. Shameful.

- The revenue to pay creators isn't from other subscribers, but from ads that are pushed through on their timeline.

- The "catch" is that to be a creator you need to have the $8 bluecheck, but this is not a ponzi game of any kind.

Mike Fraser :Jets:

@w7voa If Musk wanted to get into a Ponzi scheme that actually has a lucrative exit he should've bought an #NHL team.

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