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@w7voa it’s very much just a very wealthy sociopath’s toy now. #twiiter

Comfortably Numb🦋

@w7voa Honestly I am surprised Musk didn't name the new entity Titter Corp

Victoria De Capua

@w7voa X Corp. Sounds normal and not cartoonishly sinister at all.

John K

This sounds like an attempt to evade paying bills.

Warren Terra

@snork303 @w7voa
I was suspicious of that possibility as well, but I more-or-less trust the bankers who lit $13 billion on fire by loaning it to Twitter will have some competent lawyers making sure they aren't left trying to collect from an empty holding company while a completely separate Twitter sails away from its obligations.

On the other hand, they were mad enough to loan that $13 billion to Twitter, so maybe I'm expecting too much of them.

Warren Terra

Yet more evidence for @mmasnick 's aphorism that Elon Twitter can always get stupider, and will.


@w7voa it’s very much just a very wealthy sociopath’s toy now. #twitter



i'm ashamed i liked the space roadster. does the location website still even exist ?


@w7voa I remember a story from while ago that dude bought the domain I assume this is tied into that? Or was I having a chatGPT-style hallucination.

Edit: oh yeah it’s in the story. What I recall was PayPal let lapse but he bought it back at some point. This could still be a hallucination.

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