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Steve Herman

I've observed that engagement for my posts on (where I have 40k followers) over the past month is now consistently higher than on (115k followers).

Pauliehedron ✅ :donor:

@w7voa Your solid and timely reporting helps quite a bit as well! :ablobcatnod:​ :blobsalute:​


Twitter quality sucks
Algorithms suck
Forced ads suck
Why are you even there?


@ChrisHolladay @w7voa Probably because his job largely mandates it. But hopefully, as the dumpster fire continues to burn there, that will change among journalist outlets.

📺 Gabriel Gagnon 🎙️

@w7voa same here! It’s nice to actually engage with people!

Deborah Edwards-Oñoro

@w7voa That's good to learn! We appreciate your reporting.


@w7voa I’m really happy to get the news from you in my feed!


Has your perceived quality of engagement on either (or both?) sites changed, also?

*edited to add word "changed"



(I've been personally avoiding going to the site except by accidental click, for a few months at this point so don't even know what the TL feed looks like there, now.)

Tölva Prophetess Of Numbers

@w7voa Also we're all much more beautiful, intelligent & kind over here (allegedly).


@w7voa We like having you here. 😁

Bryan Ruby 🌤️

@w7voa A similar observation here at a smaller scale. I have 3,100 followers on Twitter vs 280 followers on Mastodon but experiencing more conversation on Mastodon. It's less of a numbers game on Mastodon. I also think Mastodon is more about who you follow than who follows you.

Joshua McKenty

@w7voa How are you measuring engagement on Mastodon?

BarbaraKB in Michigan

@w7voa I *so* appreciate your commitment. I depend on your posts here. Thank you!!

Monica Rooney

@w7voa I don’t say a lot back but I’m reading everything and clicking on your stories

Cecilia Mjausson Huster

@w7voa Great!

Would be even higher if you consistently added alt text to images. Although maybe I'm the only person who doesn't boost images without alt text?

Mike Buckley

@w7voa you provide some great reporting on here! 👏

B-Sizzle :mastodon:

@w7voa Most of your followers here are real people, not bots.

Scotty Trees

@w7voa beep boop I’m not a bot! Keep up the great work & hope to see mastodon continue to grow, beep boop

Pamela Barroway – Biz Editor

@w7voa Great news! Truly appreciate your reporting here.

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