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★ Amy Star ★ :verified:​

putting 'before:2022' into all of my web searches like a wanderer of a wasteland attempting to find relics of a forgotten time before the Great Plague

syn like diving for roman ships for low background steel

🏳️‍⚧️ LinuxEnjoyer 🐧 ive actually found blog posts and honest to god forums by putting before:2018. its always such a shock

★ Amy Star ★ :verified:​

me, 2020: "it's going to be really funny when Google discontinues search"

you, my followers: "lol amy you're so cynical"

google, 2024:

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Abimelex ✔️

@AmyZenunim it's the totally right approach to counter the AI genrated web content bs and people using chatGPT instead of google. But it should be it's own product. So you as a user decide if you want to search the entire web or only quality content.


@AmyZenunim so, the more freaking nonsensical, fake news-ish, and simply insane stuff people produce the higher the uniqueness rating will be, and so their stuff will be listed?
Sounds like “idiocracy internet version” is coming

★ Amy Star ★ :verified:​

society if all copyright extension laws were repealed


@AmyZenunim except rich people would fuck over poor people even more


@AmyZenunim society if there were no concept of intellectual property and nobody were forced to monetize their creative output to make a living because no other value can be extracted from them

★ Amy Star ★ :verified:​

rust? yeah, I know all about rust. you use WD-40 for that


@AmyZenunim The fact the C++ bindings for rust are /not/ called that is a crime, lol


@AmyZenunim what is the opposite of WD-40? (Actual issue I needed such a thing for a few years ago and never figured it out)

★ Amy Star ★ :verified:​

happy 10th anniversary to the most important tweet of all time

★ Amy Star ★ :verified:​

ZUN's author notes of Touhou 19: Unfinished Dream of All Living Ghost are, once again, inspiring

in a world that demands perfection and efficiency, imperfection and the flow of creativity within art scenes amount to an act of rebellion

#touhou #antiAI

@AmyZenunim imperfection is way more beautiful :neocat_floof__w_:
★ Amy Star ★ :verified:​

a capitalist would look at the doujin art scene that has sprung up around Touhou, encouraged and cultivated by its author with his permissive licensing, and say that, despite ZUN being famous/beloved and easily making enough to live off of, that he's a failure, as he hasn't turned Touhou into a paperclip maximizer

but if your goal is the enrichment of culture and the arts, upholding storytelling traditions and inventing new ones, of inspiring and bringing together the next generation around a shared medium, then Touhou and ZUN have succeeded beyond all expectations, in its own niche way

capitalism is a thought-terminating cliche that cannot fathom people valuing things other than monetary growth, and actively seeks to harm those who do

a capitalist would look at the doujin art scene that has sprung up around Touhou, encouraged and cultivated by its author with his permissive licensing, and say that, despite ZUN being famous/beloved and easily making enough to live off of, that he's a failure, as he hasn't turned Touhou into a paperclip maximizer

★ Amy Star ★ :verified:​

"bike/transitbrain people don't understand! you NEED a car for spontaneity! road trips, camping, and going to the hardware store all require a car!" says man stuck in rush hour traffic attempting to go to the grocery store after work. he has not gone camping or on a road trip in seven years, and orders everything on Amazon.

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Lawler Hix :verified:


same feel as watching people buy SUV's but they aren't outdoorsy in the slightest...

Alexandra Magin 🏳️‍🌈

@AmyZenunim a lot of the US experience of mass transit requires painful amounts of planning instead of just assuming things run frequently :(

I really wish we could do better

@AmyZenunim so true like the most spontaneous camping trip i ever took was on a bike
★ Amy Star ★ :verified:​

Earlier today, the admin of .art ordered the suspension and removal of one of the users of their instance. The reason was that the user talked about how they use GIMP, the image editor, for their art, and "gimp" is a (very archaic, barely-used, not relevant in this context) slur. The user in question didn't know, as English is not their native language, and were puzzled about the entire interaction. There was no negotiation: they were suspended, and ordered to leave.

Later, they announced that they were federating from .art due to guilt-by-association, as was federating with an instance they did not approve of.

Unprompted(!), the .art admin DM'd an admin of, and called them a homophobic slur, right before blocking them.

These incidents aren't related, are they? Not directly. But we can see clear and violent hypocrisy at play here. There's no excuse for this behaviour when they hold other people to such impossibly-high standards.

How is this performative social justice at all acceptable? If there was no excuse for "GIMP" when referring to a widely-used image editing app, how is the slur "cocksucker" acceptable when directed towards an LGBT individual?

Evidently, they are not capable of wielding their power responsibly. The admin of .art should apologize, and step down immediately.

Earlier today, the admin of .art ordered the suspension and removal of one of the users of their instance. The reason was that the user talked about how they use GIMP, the image editor, for their art, and "gimp" is a (very archaic, barely-used, not relevant in this context) slur. The user in question didn't know, as English is not their native language, and were puzzled about the entire interaction. There was no negotiation: they were suspended, and ordered to leave.

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防空識別區ᴏᴜᴛᴇʀɴᴀᴛɪᴏɴᴀʟ:adm1::adm2: I don't understand how isn't widely fediblocked considering how sociopathic and terroristic their administration is towards the wider fediverse/other instances.

Trash Panda They won't because they're on a power trip.
Where did the banned non native english speaker gimp user go?
Are they ok?
I feel pretty bad for them to be honest.

“Do better” is the catchphrase of self righteous abusive freaks
★ Amy Star ★ :verified:​

this may be shocking to some of you, but there was a time when ^_^ and >_> were some of the only "emoji" we ha-- what are you doing. no I don't want to go to bed. stop calling me "grandma" I can beat your ass at TF2

★ Amy Star ★ :verified:​

Proud to announce the first preview/beta release of Taisei Project v1.4!

Taisei Project is a free, open source (FOSS, MIT/CC-licensed) Touhou fangame written in C, featuring original art, music, story, patterns, and gameplay mechanics, that runs on Linux, Mac, Windows, and most major web browsers through WebGL.

This v1.4 preview/beta is the culmination of over 4 years of work, which involved rewriting most of the stage patterns from scratch, balance and performance improvements, creating new 3D backgrounds, and the introduction of a brand new story (written by me!).

It will also be featured in its own booth at Dokomi, an anime and Japanese cultural expo taking place in Düsseldorf, Germany, from June 30th to July 2nd:

Click here to download:

Click here to try out the WebGL version in your browser:

And feel free to report any issues you have to me, as I am on the dev team and might be able to help! You can also report issues here on GitHub:

#touhou #東方Project #東方 #gamedev #games #foss #creativecommons #dokomi #videogames #art #opensource #danmaku #bullethell #stg #taisei

Proud to announce the first preview/beta release of Taisei Project v1.4!

Taisei Project is a free, open source (FOSS, MIT/CC-licensed) Touhou fangame written in C, featuring original art, music, story, patterns, and gameplay mechanics, that runs on Linux, Mac, Windows, and most major web browsers through WebGL.


@AmyZenunim Hey, this is really good!

I don't think I can provide much in way of useful feedback (both because brain fuzzy tired and super-casual at, "struggles with Easy Mode in Imperishable Night" casual) but wanted to say that this looks and feels great to play when I tried it out earlier

I know this is a project near and dear to your heart, I've seen bits and pieces of it for pretty much the whole time I've seen you about on social media I think, so it's incredible to see a public beta of it take shape

Hope the whole team are proud of this and get the positive reception it deserves ^_^

@AmyZenunim Hey, this is really good!

I don't think I can provide much in way of useful feedback (both because brain fuzzy tired and super-casual at, "struggles with Easy Mode in Imperishable Night" casual) but wanted to say that this looks and feels great to play when I tried it out earlier

★ Amy Star ★ :verified:​

Zelda: "Link! I think I've translated some of this text from under Hyrule Castle! Look, it reads: 'This is... not... a place... of honour. No... highly esteemed deed... is commemorated here.' What do you think this means? And this line later on, 'The danger is still present, in your time, as it was in ours-'"


Zelda: "Link this is very important research. Stop bouldering all over those priceless artifacts for just ONE MINUTE and LISTEN TO M

★ Amy Star ★ :verified:​

this was a sleep-deprived shitpost at 2AM but i'm glad you all find it entertaining

★ Amy Star ★ :verified:​

for people with ADHD, it's not that our memory is bad, it's that our garbage collection is too strict

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XANTRONIX Industrial

@AmyZenunim reminds me of when @eliza tried to garbage collect empty cans and various other vessels around the house and i told her that my desk held references to them, so she would need to collect my desk in order to succeed in her GC sweep

BadCat 😼

I say I have a big hard drive, but not a lot of RAM 😹

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