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Lawler Hix :verified:


same feel as watching people buy SUV's but they aren't outdoorsy in the slightest...

★ Amy Star ★ :verified:​

@lawlznet my family bought a crossover because we need(ed) a car during the pandemic, and it was the best used car we could find at the time. but we also don't commute in the thing, so we're not adding a bunch of congestion to the city.


@lawlznet @AmyZenunim I think nowadays like minivans don't exist anymore so you kind of have to get an SUV if you need extra space at all

giant pickup trucks with luxury car features are a whole other thing though

Lawler Hix :verified:

@waitworry @AmyZenunim Those are good points actually, I forgot that people often just buy SUV's if they have large families lol.

I didn't even notice that minivans have more or less vanished, or been modified into other types of vehicles.

★ Amy Star ★ :verified:​

@lawlznet @waitworry the thing with minivans is that they're the same price, gas mileage, and seating capacity as a full-size SUV... so why wouldn't you just get the full-size SUV? more to the point, full-size SUVs are basically "lifted minivans with bigger wheels and AWD" at this point.


@lawlznet @waitworry @AmyZenunim Minivans aren't the only alternative to SUVs. There's also stationwagons. That said, from what I understand, those are also hard to get nowadays in the US and is more common in Europe.

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