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★ Amy Star ★ :verified:​

Proud to announce the first preview/beta release of Taisei Project v1.4!

Taisei Project is a free, open source (FOSS, MIT/CC-licensed) Touhou fangame written in C, featuring original art, music, story, patterns, and gameplay mechanics, that runs on Linux, Mac, Windows, and most major web browsers through WebGL.

This v1.4 preview/beta is the culmination of over 4 years of work, which involved rewriting most of the stage patterns from scratch, balance and performance improvements, creating new 3D backgrounds, and the introduction of a brand new story (written by me!).

It will also be featured in its own booth at Dokomi, an anime and Japanese cultural expo taking place in Düsseldorf, Germany, from June 30th to July 2nd:

Click here to download:

Click here to try out the WebGL version in your browser:

And feel free to report any issues you have to me, as I am on the dev team and might be able to help! You can also report issues here on GitHub:

1 comment

@AmyZenunim Hey, this is really good!

I don't think I can provide much in way of useful feedback (both because brain fuzzy tired and super-casual at, "struggles with Easy Mode in Imperishable Night" casual) but wanted to say that this looks and feels great to play when I tried it out earlier

I know this is a project near and dear to your heart, I've seen bits and pieces of it for pretty much the whole time I've seen you about on social media I think, so it's incredible to see a public beta of it take shape

Hope the whole team are proud of this and get the positive reception it deserves ^_^

@AmyZenunim Hey, this is really good!

I don't think I can provide much in way of useful feedback (both because brain fuzzy tired and super-casual at, "struggles with Easy Mode in Imperishable Night" casual) but wanted to say that this looks and feels great to play when I tried it out earlier

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