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★ Amy Star ★ :verified:​

ZUN's author notes of Touhou 19: Unfinished Dream of All Living Ghost are, once again, inspiring

in a world that demands perfection and efficiency, imperfection and the flow of creativity within art scenes amount to an act of rebellion

#touhou #antiAI

@AmyZenunim imperfection is way more beautiful :neocat_floof__w_:
★ Amy Star ★ :verified:​

a capitalist would look at the doujin art scene that has sprung up around Touhou, encouraged and cultivated by its author with his permissive licensing, and say that, despite ZUN being famous/beloved and easily making enough to live off of, that he's a failure, as he hasn't turned Touhou into a paperclip maximizer

but if your goal is the enrichment of culture and the arts, upholding storytelling traditions and inventing new ones, of inspiring and bringing together the next generation around a shared medium, then Touhou and ZUN have succeeded beyond all expectations, in its own niche way

capitalism is a thought-terminating cliche that cannot fathom people valuing things other than monetary growth, and actively seeks to harm those who do

a capitalist would look at the doujin art scene that has sprung up around Touhou, encouraged and cultivated by its author with his permissive licensing, and say that, despite ZUN being famous/beloved and easily making enough to live off of, that he's a failure, as he hasn't turned Touhou into a paperclip maximizer

Disaster, Gay of Crisis

@AmyZenunim Capitalists have no clue what the meaning of community and creativity truly means, ZUN on the other hand is entirely going "Oh hell yea enjoy my universe to your heart's content" to the point there's really no rules for anyone handling the IP unless it's like an actual LLC

Lawler Hix :verified:

@AmyZenunim "capitalism is a thought-terminating cliche that cannot fathom people valuing things other than monetary growth, and actively seeks to harm those who do"

probably one of the most quotable things I've ever read on the internet, much less fedi.


@lawlznet @AmyZenunim Use of the phrase "thought-terminating cliche" always gets a follow from me.

Dizzy the Void 🐀

@lawlznet @AmyZenunim Also paperclip maximizers as a metaphor for capitalism is a *much* better metaphor than whatever Yudkowski was doing with treating it as a literal problem.


@AmyZenunim that reminds me of the sad ways the Darkover world ended up crashing.
For all faults with Marion Zimmer Bradley (I haven't properly read up on her, but I think there was something bad), for a good while she not only encouraged people to work with her world, but actually helped starting some careers through the publication of "fan made" short stories in a few anthologies, until the publisher stepped in and sent lawyers after fans hosting fanpages.

Juha Autero

@Primo @AmyZenunim I don't remember the details, but I think that "something bad" was child sexual abuse.

★ Amy Star ★ :verified:​

for added context in the OP: the "beasts" ZUN refers to are characters in the game he's writing these authors notes for. that's probably not clear without context lol

★ Amy Star ★ :verified:​

nobody remembers how much money Shakespeare made. everyone remembers his creative works. that's the power of culture.

in our current society, money is often necessary for artists to continue making art, but it has not been and should not be the measure of its success.

artists should be compensated for their labour; copyright and "AI" actively harm artists by placing power into the hands of do-nothing capitalist landlords.

Richard Barrell

@AmyZenunim fwiw one place where money does come into it is I have a lot of respect for people who make art, film, whatever, on a shoestring budget - which means it's been done with minimal expenditure of the participants time too

★ Amy Star ★ :verified:​

nothing gets me fired up like the authors notes for a Touhou game that basically nobody reads lmfao

Taz þe pika :heart_bi:

@AmyZenunim Fun culture fact: in Japanese, "beasts" (kemono) is how you refer to furry characters specifically. I feel it is notable to point out for a game which cared to bring back Nazrin of all characters.

Scott Michaud

@AmyZenunim The silliest part, for me, is when I see people trade off money for control and try to justify it with money... like when Ubisoft said their anti-piracy software was a success (after a bunch of controversy) and Eurogamer was like "Oh really? Huh. How did it affect your sales?" "Oh, sales? That's down 90%." (And then PC Gamer jumped in.)

All that harm... and they lose the one reason for doing it... and they're happy. Wtf.

@AmyZenunim The silliest part, for me, is when I see people trade off money for control and try to justify it with money... like when Ubisoft said their anti-piracy software was a success (after a bunch of controversy) and Eurogamer was like "Oh really? Huh. How did it affect your sales?" "Oh, sales? That's down 90%." (And then PC Gamer jumped in.)

Bee O'Problem

@scottmichaud @AmyZenunim the most shocking thing in the PC Gamer article is that Michael Patcher actually has a pretty reasonable take on things here.

I remember in the 00s-10s he was a veritable fountain of bad takes

Inken Paper

@scottmichaud @AmyZenunim if no one buys your game cause it's so over-protected, then no one pirates it! pure genius! :blobcatgooglytrash:

☄️~Stardust Diving~🌌

@AmyZenunim what's interesting is that something like touhou isn't even strictly incompatible with wanting to make money; a person can value making money doing a project but value other things more. or think to themselves "by keeping my art open and thus able to reproduce easily i will not only enable others to enjoy my work and even make a living off it, but i will more reliably make money in the long run."

no matter what the motivation is, that kind of positive-sum way of doing things leaves little room for the enclosures, rentseeking, and monopolies of capitalism

@AmyZenunim what's interesting is that something like touhou isn't even strictly incompatible with wanting to make money; a person can value making money doing a project but value other things more. or think to themselves "by keeping my art open and thus able to reproduce easily i will not only enable others to enjoy my work and even make a living off it, but i will more reliably make money in the long run."

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