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Scott Michaud

@AmyZenunim The silliest part, for me, is when I see people trade off money for control and try to justify it with money... like when Ubisoft said their anti-piracy software was a success (after a bunch of controversy) and Eurogamer was like "Oh really? Huh. How did it affect your sales?" "Oh, sales? That's down 90%." (And then PC Gamer jumped in.)

All that harm... and they lose the one reason for doing it... and they're happy. Wtf.

Bee O'Problem

@scottmichaud @AmyZenunim the most shocking thing in the PC Gamer article is that Michael Patcher actually has a pretty reasonable take on things here.

I remember in the 00s-10s he was a veritable fountain of bad takes

Inken Paper

@scottmichaud @AmyZenunim if no one buys your game cause it's so over-protected, then no one pirates it! pure genius! :blobcatgooglytrash:

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